Ignorance Winning We Must Take This Evil Down Now

8 months ago


A Warrior Calls

Thursday June 27th 2024 Live Stream
Canada and the USA is being destroyed from within and it is time people rise up take these corrupt people down.
Christopher James again shows the the world hard truths and the solution.
Never forget the BAR is a criminal organization all people wearing ROBES are NOT judges over people
They are people acting for service corporations involved in constructive fraud
Covid 19 was a lie.... the world must simply learn/know this...
The solution has been shown to the world once again...
The clock is ticking do all you can to bring said truths into the light.
God Bless and God Speed

To support your health like never before and Christopher James
purchase MasterPeace from... Bit.ly/awcmasterpeace
This is a standalone worldwide removing all forever chemicals [poison] in our bodies

For Canadians The Corrupt People at Health Canada have trespassed blocking MasterPeace into country.
So just find a friend in another country like USA and use their address and then have them courier avoid Health Canada Corruption.
We are NOT going to tolerate these maggots who have NO jurisdiction PERIOD.
We will show the world how we hold these repugnant corrupt people accountable and see Health Canada Liquidated

To address the EMF mitigation we are all being bombarded with FLFE.net is the game changer also

FLFE links:
Free Trial: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/TryFLFEfree/ChristopherJames/
Main Website: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/ChristopherJames/
Evidence: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/ev/ChristopherJames/

Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com

www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - EVERY Thurs 8pm EST

www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE

www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution!
email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com

Christopher James' alternate platforms... where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward.

Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream

Telegram: https://t.me/aWarriorCalls
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iman1743
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w?."

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