WTD ep.128 Derrick Broze 'water fluoridation trial'

6 months ago

Derrick Broze joins us on Wake the Dead to discuss the nearly 70 year practice of water fluoridation in America. Derrick is an author, activist, journalist, researcher, filmmaker, musician & anarchist. He has worked tirelessly for over a decade to bring us quality information via his website ⁠theconsciousresistance.com⁠. Since the beginning of his activist career, Derrick has been sounding the alarm regarding the government's forced 'medication' of the population, we all know as water fluoridation. Fluoride has been known to be toxic to humans since the 1930's yet the American government has chosen to poison it's citizens via the water they drink, since 1960. There has recently been a historic trial investigating the toxicity of fluoride and the practice of adding it to the public water supply which ended last February. Derrick traveled to San Francisco to cover the trial for The Last American Vagabond. He conducted several interviews with the participants of the trial and has been on the pulse listening for any information since then.

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