REPENT OF YOUR SINS - Documentary, a false gospel exposure (with background music)

8 months ago

A documentary exposing the false "repent of your sins to be saved" gospel. Please share it and help to get this important message out there.

00:00:00 - Disclaimer
00:00:15 - Introduction
00:02:36 - How would you define repentance?
00:06:26 - The many gospels that are out there
00:16:08 - Repent of your sins (montage)
00:32:35 - Mixed messages
00:35:19 - When repentance is not turning from sin
01:23:10 - When repentance is turning from sin
01:39:21 - Repent-of-your-sins-to-be-saved comes from false religion
02:07:04 - Conclusions
02:18:00 - Bruce slap

Supporting material (list of preachers featured and music used):

Using software called DVD Videosoft, you can download a copy of this documentary from the URL

Software used to produce this video:
- Adobe Premiere Rush (Video editing)
- DVDVideoSoft and (download the entire source material)
- Powerpoint (presentation slides)
- Screen-Cast-O-Matic (film myself and screen-record short clips of source material)
- Audacity (audio recording)

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