Turkey NOW! High Temperatures and Winds Fuel Major Wildfires

8 months ago

In Turkey, amid strong winds and scorching summer temperatures, major wildfires have erupted in several provinces.

In the northwest province of Çanakkale, firefighting services, including aerial efforts, battled the flames for over a day to prevent casualties and injuries. Residents from affected areas were evacuated to safer locations.

In the southeastern regions of Diyarbakır and Mardin, fires ignited from field stubble and quickly spread due to wind, affecting villages such as Koksalan, Yazıcheğe, and Bagacik. Images shared on social media show towering flames illuminating the night sky and large clouds of smoke billowing into the air. The fires have resulted in 15 deaths and 78 injuries.

According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, nearly 15,000 hectares of agricultural land have been scorched. Many animals have perished in the wildfires in Diyarbakır and Mardin, prompting a need for veterinary assistance in the region.

The wildfires have also impacted forest-steppe zones and other provinces. While some areas have managed to bring the infernos under control, local firefighting services and municipal brigades continue battling elsewhere.

Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) has deployed over 1,500 personnel to combat the fires. The country has mobilized its largest-ever aerial fleet, including 105 helicopters, 26 airplanes, and 14 UAVs, for firefighting efforts. Turkey stands as the first among European nations to utilize UAVs in combating wildfires, leveraging their imaging capabilities for fire detection and management using decision support software recognized by the International Telecommunication Union of the UN.

High temperatures have escalated the frequency of natural wildfires, with 399 incidents recorded in just three weeks of June this year — nearly five times the number compared to the same period last year, which saw 84 forest fires. The extent of natural wildfires in Turkey in 2024 has also significantly increased compared to the previous year.

At the international forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility," data on the dynamics of fires and other climate catastrophes worldwide were presented, highlighting their causes and other facts indicating an impending crisis.

If the majority of people on Earth grasp the contents of this report, addressing the climate issue will become humanity's top priority. With a high probability, all wars will cease because why argue about global dominance when its existence is at stake? It is far wiser to find common ground and save our shared home together. Then people will understand that unity is more advantageous, safer, and more fulfilling than hostility and mutual destruction.

Remember, all global changes begin with awareness. Study this information and disseminate it to everyone you can reach. This will be your significant contribution to safeguarding your own life and the lives of your loved ones.

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