President Donald J Trump speaks in code, that's why he's a Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief

5 months ago

To truly understand the complexity of what is going on and has been going on since DJT took office, one had to have followed him. Those who allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the mockingbird media will mostly still be asleep and many are so-called patriots. The ego is the defence mechanism for survival in the matrix, it sets the boundaries of our belief system. To understand what is going on today only those who have cast off their mental chains and devoted tens of thousands of hours of research will truly be able to work it out, and even then we will still be unaware of other things. The Great Awakening is about ditching the fear, stepping out of the Dark, walking toward and embracing the Light that The Great Awakening offers. What has been going on has been a highly non-conventional war of the bloodlines, a war between good and evil, God vs Satan.....GOD WINS!

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