Everything that doesn’t promote any sort of health, they told us to do...

7 months ago

Dr. Kimberly Biss, board-certified OBGYN: "Remember in the beginning, they locked us down. We’re all eating from UberEats, all processed junk. We can’t go to the gym and can’t exercise. We can’t go outside and get in the sun, which is our vitamin D, so we were all deficient in D. Everything that doesn’t promote any sort of health, they told us to do...They are developing tests and we'll have a commercial test at some point where you can measure spike protein. You can just get a blood test and see how much your spike level is. There are people working on that. It’s indirectly found in the testing now, and they’re finding the spike in cells. It’s like an indirect test, but they’re trying to develop tests where they actually can find the spike. Some people are going to develop tests where they can find the spike and even determine which vaccine it came from."

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