Denmark Farmers to Pay Taxes Based on How Much Their Cow Farts – Brianna Morelllo & JD Rucker

6 months ago

“Who controls the Food Supply Controls the People” – Henry Kissinger

Denmark will soon be taxed on how much their cow farts because we all know the dangers of those horrifying emissions into our environment. It’s not just cows, it is hogs and sheep also. They label it “Carbon Emissions.”

No worries about animals humans do not regularly consume, they obviously must emit something different from their asses.

This wonderful plan by the WEF, which the corrupt, dumb politicians of Denmark have adopted will begin in 2030 and it will begin with a Tax of $43 per Ton of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from farmers livestock.

By 2035 this will increase to $108.

The plan – regulate the hell out of the Food Industry, crash the prices (with many other “events”) and come in to save the day by the government making outrageous offers to buy farms.

They first tell us to not consume meat, then when no one listens they will go directly after the farmers and put the financial squeeze on them which will significantly raise prices for everyone.

These global pricks will attack from all angles, the Bird Flu bullsh*t (if there is bird flu, they are behind spreading it), attacking the animal food supply which will cause higher prices, raising equipment prices, and what kills everything that ever was good – Government Regulations.

They will regulate everything to fit their agenda.

All of this new Farm Equipment is connected to the Internet now and if it is connected to the Internet you can bet they can hack your equipment just as they hack your laptop and place viruses in to make you purchase a fake virus software.

The gall of these f*cking globies.

They will make life so hard for farmers that their shell companies will make offers to buy farms and farmers will not be able to refuse.

If this was about caring for the animals it may be a bit different, but it’s for CONTROLLING Humans and nothing to do about Carbon Emissions or Carbon Footprint.

All their pitches on what they do is “for the best of our interests and for the best of our environment.”

It all starts with the States Cattleman and Animal Associations. First they make sure that idiots have top positions, they incentivize the, bribe them, corrupt them so they push these views to the rest of the associations, this gets passed down to the farmers at a slow pace and if the farmers don’t say or do anything the pace of introducing their bullsh*t increases.

What is a bit frightening is that they are kind of bypassing the grain farmers and going directly for the Cattle Ranchers or Livestock Farmers, which are much fewer. So not matter what, we wouldn’t see the pushback or resistance if they were doing something like to the growers.

Who controls the Food Supply, controls the people. Control the Farmers, control the food.

They want farmers to either comply or sell their farms.

When farmers get sick of all the b.s. many will just decide to sell out and they will get great money for their land. But it will be bought by a government shell, like a Bill Gates shell company.

It is not a good situation and farmers need to quickly wake up because they are the backbone of not only America but our world.

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END. 7/2/2024 – 3:00 PM

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