DISEASE HOLES - Enter the Doctor

8 months ago

I simply have some cooperative game fun with someone. Des enters the fray and you will be seeing more of him in the near future as we break games together or as I try to avoid him while he's breaking the game!

Thanks for checking out my content! If you want to help grow my unique approach to the digital world and discovery, then you can click here: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_2d85b8d9-d324-353f-9613-7e00ec6d1663/tip to visit my StreamLabs Tipping page.

Find and support me Here on these platforms below!
YouTube: @eXo5ILVER or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmqIBBhJJ6Fdlai8fyvHP8A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5440572
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MY EDITING TOOLS (Currently entry-tier software to test out the waters):
Video Editing: https://clipchamp.com/en/
A.I. Video: https://runwayml.com/
A.I. Images Paid: https://www.midjourney.com/home
A.I. Images Free: https://playgroundai.com/
A.I. Music: https://pro.splashmusic.com/ (Discontinued Website)
Sound Effects: https://freesound.org/

VR Character
Creator: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Visual tracking VRM and VSFAvatar puppeteering program: https://www.vseeface.icu/

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