Sun from Helio / Daylight from Neon and Argon / Moon from Krypto

8 months ago

VID By (Vides of Cosmos) Check their channel out on YouTube
0:00 Plasma Moon Map
0:10 Close system from diferent angle
0:15 Electromanetic field comes from bellow with different angle every day
0:45 Moon phases due to different altitude of the focused plasma that created
0:50 Omosphere and Eterosphere
0:58 Omosphere
1:13 Eterosphere - Ionosphere
2:40 Sun from Helio (He) - Pilot source of daylight
3:48 Daylight from Neon (Ne) and Argo (Ar)
5:36 Moon from Krypto (Kr)
7:01 Flatworld Latitude on Plasma Moon image - Flat Earth Map
7:48 Perspective plasma moon distortion

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