Is Science Dead? 'Cancelled' Drs. Chris Exley & Chris Busby's research challenges industrial lobbies

7 months ago

s science dead? ‘cancelled’ doctors Chris Exley and Chris Busby and their research which has challenged industrial lobbies – getting unorthodox research published in peer reviewed journals is considerably easier in China than in the West which may help explain why China is such a successful innovator and economic powerhouse – scientific taboos such as Covid vaccine deaths, nuclear power stations causing cancer, vaccinations causing autism, and challenging climate change orthodoxy.

Shockingly, we hear that getting unorthodox research published in peer-reviewed journals is considerably easier in China than in the West which may hep explain why China has been such a successful innovator and economic powerhouse.

Is Science Dead? Drs. Chris Exley & Chris Busby discuss research which challenges industrial lobbies

Pharmaceutical, Nuclear and Aluminium Industry Lobbies like to control information about their potentially dangerous products so that peoples and governments don't threaten their bottom line.
But how far have those lobbies been responsible for killing any challenge to the marketing lines they take on scientific questions? And have they ended up 'killing science' in the process of suppressing research which may affect their profitability?

Dr Chris Exley Aluminium Research

The Birchall Centre
Welcome to the website of the Aluminium Research Group. The group was previously based in The Birchall Centre, Keele University from 1992 to 2021. We are currently looking for a new home. In the meantime, we have set up this website to keep as many as possible informed about our research and research activities.

Our Research
The Unit started off with three general themes, of which our group focus is Aluminium and Silicon in Biology. The group is led by Professor Christopher Exley, FRSB and the current research themes within the group are varied, including metals and amyloids; biosilicification in plant species; human exposure to Aluminium, whether intentional (e.g. in antiperspirants or adjuvants) or unintentional; and hydroxyaluminosilicates.

Dr Chris Busby: Green Audit and the Low Level Radiation Campaign
What is Green Audit?
Green Audit was founded in 1992 as an environmental consultancy and review organisation with the aim of monitoring the performance of companies and organizations whose activities might threaten the environment and the health of citizens. Democratic values are threatened when information is kept from the public and all routes of access are controlled. The aim of Green Audit is to give citizens the information they need to be able to question the companies which are destroying the environment we all depend on. It was the worrying recognition that such information is presently suppressed and restricted which provided the impetus for the founding of Green Audit.

Low Level Radiation Campaign
Radiation and reason: the impact of science on a culture of confusion
The key message
Evidence of disease associated with routine reactor operation, accidents, fuel reprocessing and nuclear weapons testing shows far more harm than official risk factors predict. Rates of cancer, leukaemia and congenital malformations are all higher than expected on the basis of estimated doses. The report explains that this is because official risk factors conceive radiation as an average dose to body tissue, but particles of alpha-emitters such as uranium and plutonium emit a quality of radiation which can travel only a tiny distance. This means that when a particle is in the body (following inhalation, for example) it can only affect the few cells nearby. Each particle deposits very high densities of energy into that volume of cells with a high potential to damage their genetic material, but the rest of the body gets no dose at all.

Busby's Rowntree and other research funding stopped after he was attacked by George Monbiot in the Guardian, who wrote in 2011 incorrect and dishonest reports about his activity after Fukushima and his research into child leukemia. The Guardian refused to allow him to reply.

He acts as Expert witness and representative in court cases in the UK, USA and other countries, currently representing in Scotland the widow of a nuclear submariner who died from non Hodgkin lymphoma.

Busby currently lives in Latvia after Brexit, has no institutional funding, and carries out his work on a old age pension of 680 Euros a month. He has 7 children and 12 grandchildren.

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