Bad Advice from Women to Other Women - ChatGPT Says on Aquarian Rising

3 months ago

*Original ChatGPT4 Prompt:*
"Describe how women on social media may be deliberately giving other women bad relationship advice and the psychological, sociological and evolutionary reasons that this may be."

*Additional Notes:*
This is the first in a series of about three videos I'm uploading that focus on helping to repair the relationships between men and women in the western world. Before you can resolve a conflict, the core issue(s) of that conflict have to be identified. You have to understand what is driving the conflict if you wish to resolve it.

I've seen many women on Twitter/X since I recently joined to promote my channel who have been lamenting their lack of a relationship with a good man. I cannot ask anyone to accept anything I produce on my channel without critique but I hope that thee women who watch this video will take the words of this video to heart and consider beginning to question the ways they have lived for many years now, as well as the advice they've received and from whom they've received it.

If women wish to find love - or even just shoot for a solid and dependable relationship with a man - these sorts of terrible advice must be recognized and weeded out from the ways they think or no healing and forward momentum can be achieved.

I look forward to feedback on this and future videos on the topic. See you next video!

~ Atheist Astrologer

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