BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 6/28/2024 Turning Point Action Interviews!!

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9am This morning I'm going to introduce interviews that I did with a variety of people including the BNN investigative Citizen Journalist Panel that has been started on BNN. Only the first part of today's show will be live...the rest are pre-recorded.

In the interviews, each person introduces themselves so you can get to know them and what their involvement fighting save America has been.

For Background...BNN Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independant Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country

Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook @THGHTCRMNLS
Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio @VOPUSARADIO
Independant Journalist - Casey Whalen @Casey_Whalen
The People's Pen - Joel Bevaqua @ThePeoplesPen
New Mexico Governor Candidate - Joshua James Lawrence @
Behind Enemy Lines - Terry Newsome - Behind Enemy Lines
Jason Brewster - the Brewster Call

Watch on BNN:

Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Joshua James Ryan Lawrence, Terry Newsome, Dan Smeriglio, Hollis Smeriglio, Casey Whalen, Christina Holbook, Joel Bevaqua, Jason Brewster

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