Top Ten Jobs From The Old Days That No Longer Exist

6 years ago

In this video we present you a list of ten jobs from the old days that are no longer accepting applications. Can you guess some of them?

Before the radio, factory workers often hired lectors to entertain them while they worked. The workers pooled their wages, held auditions, and had lectors read to them over their long shifts. Nowadays there are no factory lector to be found!

Likewise, before the invention of refrigerators, people bought huge blocks of ice to keep things cold. Ice cutters had the dangerous job of carving and extracting these blocks from frozen lakes and rivers. Can you imagine what it was like to work as an ice cutter? Frozen inspired profession indeed!

Being a log driver meant guiding logs along rivers towards sawmills and pulp mills. This highly dangerous job became less common as railroads and trucking routes became more efficient and replaced the occupation of log drivers.

The next occupation had us in stitches! Have you ever heard of the professional occupation rat-catcher? Well, it was a real occupation back in the days, and rat-catchers were once employed to control rat populations and prevent the spread of disease. They kept the public safe while bearing the risk of bites and infection themselves. What a risky profession!

Most households used to rely on local milk men to deliver milk right to their door. When home refrigerators became common, the milkman’s services were no longer needed, hence, this job title soon disappeared.

Phrenologists were ‘experts’ at determining one’s intelligence based on the shape of their skull. This practice proved to be incredibly unscientific and was officially disbanded in 1967. What kind of witchcraft job this is!?

Lamp lighters used long poles to light the town’s lamps in the evenings, and extinguish them in the mornings. Once electric lighting became the norm, lamp lighters were no longer needed. We feel sorry for those who had to be the bearers of light! Sounds cool, but it must have been dull and really exhausting!

Before radar, soldiers used acoustic locators to listen for incoming enemy aircraft. By World War II, the advent of radar rendered the acoustic system obsolete. It is no secret that technology extinguished many of the good old jobs, and the best is yet to come! Humanity is doomed to be replaced by robots, so beware!

The first alarm clocks were expensive and unreliable, so early-morning workers got hired help. A ‘knocker-up’ was hired to wake up clients, often by banging a long stick against their windows. Can you imagine being hired to be someone else’s personal alarm! How cool is that! We can think of numerous creative ways of giving the wake-up call!

The mechanical pinsetter seen at today’s bowling alleys wasn’t invented until 1936. Arranging bowling pins was often a first job for teenagers, since it was low-paying, part-time work. Did you enjoy our list of extinguished professions, and can you imagine working some of them?

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