3 months ago

Greetings Fellow Huemans
We are real quest tonight Space Time
In 10,000 words or less. So there is no way we can get bogged down.
Hang on to your hat, your toupee, and your wig.
And away
Trey Smith & Space Force

Whether you took the shot(s) or not from what I’m reading and hearing. We’ve all been infected, to a greater or lesser degree.
Nicholas Koryrev Time Travel

When getting inside the Koryrev cylinder there was the feeling of overwhelming fear and dread.

There was someone else in there watching the man inside the curved room.
So, one subject asked, who was watching him? The faceless one watching said. “I’m watching you.”

Koryrev said he was looking at a little boy. The little boy turned around to say. “Who are you? Do I know you?”

It was Koryrev when he was five years old.
Koryrev theorized; time is energy, is like a river.
The river is; all at once is in the present, in the past and in the future.

Time is like a river, if you get enough energy you may go backwards.

You may be on the river, as you are always in the now.

Time is in front of you, kinda like the river, ready to meet you, when you arrive.
If you have enough energy, you may travel to the future or to the past

Spiritual power maybe derived from the ionosphere, or the Northern Lights when the Sun is more solar storm active.
More earth quakes, in diverse places. Volcanoes erupting where there never were volcanoes old volcanoes springing up.
Time is further changed when a torsion motion, is placed on the time.


Kozyrev Mirrors | A Journey Through Time and Space

DIY Koryrev Torsion Mirror

The Why Files
Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors
Erie sounds of outer space
Is This The Sound—The Source Of Consciousness ? You May Go There With Me—I Have Found, By Merely Asking The Question An Answer Will Come—Maybe Today And Maybe Ten Years From Now.
I Started On Micro—Macro Easily 40 Years Ago
If one model works in the micro then why not in the macro.

The Story of Matthew Maury Paths In The Sea. The Story of a Navel Officer

Matthew Maury Paths In The Sea
The Bible Knows Best
Psalm 8:8
Whatsoever passes through the paths of the sea.

Let me try to explain. If one model works for one level then it stands, the model may work on a different level.

As there are paths in the seven seas on the Earth.
If there are paths in the sea there are paths in space.
As below, on Earth and as above in heavens. I am referring to Space as a singular entity. As Earth is in Space.

Tonight we want to talk about Space
The Space between your ears
The Space of Outer Space
With a man of faith
Which includes
All Space

If we live in a biosphere, a domed atmosphere.
Nothing gets in; Nothing gets out.
If that is the case then: we are sequestered; we are protected from that which is without.

And if that is the truth, then we are equally imprisoned with tHose who hate us beyond measure.

tHeir only hope of redemption is to live in a world of tHeir making, a world of tHeir liking.

And at the end of every Satanic
Ritual; a hueman must die.

For me, I have never been into space; therefore I’m trying to logically think through information I have garnered. . .

With the intelligence God gave me to crack a tough nut as Maury did in his day of faithfulness.

In my case, I will never been afforded the privilege of going to space in my corporal body.
Someone, someday may read these lines and add to them to bring in the truth.

I realize this is a very simplistic answer; but aren’t the short answers the best answers. I am sure I will revisit this subject again and again.

Ockham’s Razor
"Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.”
Ockham never used these exact words.

In case you’re not familiar with the logic of the simplest answer is probably the best and most logical answer to any problem.
Elon sent up a Space X which appears to have hit something.
Many commentators said it was a dome or the firmament. I have no revelation on this subject.

Transcribed and Edited ~
From a lecture
by Clif High on Rumble

“While considering space we must consider consciousness. If we don’t consider consciousness; is like trying to figure out what is going on in the world by listening to fake news.

“Image you’re on a mission to Mars we get there and we’re all standing around having a coke.
And we find something that’s moving, seems to be self-ac. . .
We start using descriptive words about what we’re seeing.

“Some will never see consciousness involved in what we’re seeing. . .
It is moving all by itself, it is self-actuating.
I recognize this thing is alive. . .!

“Because it is alive it must have some level of consciousness.
This is a requirement for life. You do not have consciousness without life.

“When we find life on Mars inviolate. It is true of all life. All life has consciousness.
Their consciousness may not be as ours.

“Some even go so far as to say, rocks have consciousness.
[[George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (c. 1867 – 29 October 1949) first proposed this idea in 1915.
Check out the songs and melodies under the website.]]

“Depending on how we look at it. We would determine at what level of consciousness the entities seem to exhibit.

“So the woo people see reality as AT LARGE. We are all part of a God consciousness, but the woo people don’t always see consciousness extruded.

“We don’t have to differentiate between God and Consciousness.
We can see consciousness expressed everywhere. So Consciousness is the dominant factor here.

“From Consciousness arises from
Rene DeKart in the 1630s came up with idea of Cartesian Space.

DeKart believed that God created the Matrium and God dropped light in it. Like a pond and drop a bunch of fish into it and let them defend for themselves.

“It is an idea that predates the Talmud.
If you gather enough sand together you can get life from it.
A homunculus or some-such.
Which is not true.

“All of our science, physics biology, we start from a grit only; then we only get so far and we get stymied every time.

DeKart saddled us with this consciousness-less universe ever since.

When DeKart came up with the idea of light being dumped into Creation.

“In the 1500s, they thought of matter as different forms.
So their idea of the aether
They thought matter as malleable
It was the same matter it took different forms.

“They were one step away from expressing matter. There is nothing in the matter but it all depends on the level of consciousness.
Consciousness expressing itself through that matter.

“They could have come to the conclusion that Consciousness is the reason matter takes different forms.

“If you take the hydrogen atom and vibrate it will go faster and faster; will it create matter? NO!
So — E does not equal mc2.
This equation has no equation; has no consciousness in it at all.

“So any science that does not take consciousness into consideration is not true science.

“You do not get matter even if moving it to the speed of light.

“Matter is matter is energy compounded.”

Clif High on Rumble
•End of Transcription

Clif High on Substack
Projected Gas Prices
So our question before us tonight.
What is SPACE,
Is space is conscious? If we consider the filament between the nodes, of the human brain, is conscious.

God is at once inside his creation, as we acknowledge, God is in us, God’s creation.

God is in every planet, in every star, in every lane of traffic God is alive, and conscious.
God is in each Star-Sun-Planet-Moon have a consciousness.

Isaiah 40:26

Psalm 147:4

Why name them if they have no consciousness?
Why name them if they are not a sentient being?

Just because you don’t comprehend what the Moons, Suns, Planets, even what we would call inert matter, have a very slower moving voice and have very sluggish hearing to comprehend.

Brain Nodes

From one node (planet) to next connected node as in nerves and in brain cells.
Space is a type aether-plasma; supporting nodes – star gates, stars, planets, moons and slower moving inert material. As in Earth’s oceans support life in every strata of consciousness.

So Space is a: Macromolecule of a
Micromolecule of of Earth’s seas.

I’m not a scientist or an astronomer but a Christian intuitive. No different than Rudolf Steiner, as you will soon read.
I read the Bible, then take note of what I read

Everyday Space travel
By Brozme, under a different pen name.

Rudolf Steiner
4th Dimension, Space Is Conscious
With more-than a-few additional lines,
Well; some of them are from whole cloth
Telling the truth.
Writing the truth
With artistic license
Why do I feel there is
Someone or Something
About to take a great big bite out of me?
I just can’t see from which way its coming
Can you see it?

I am
God Supported
Non Monetized
Continue To Be God’s Man
End ••••••••• 9,999

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