Blue E.6 | Presidents & Dagoth Ur Play Pokemon | presAIdents By Mr_R

7 months ago

the presAIdents (and dagoth ur) are back for another round on pokemans! they're doing it. they're doing the "thing". an attempt will be made at the long-range trainer glitch to the north of cerulean. can it work? will it work? tune in now...on legally distinct ball z!

note: mirrored from youtube.

ai tools used: "tortoise-tts", "huggingface", craiyon(*).
(*)craiyon was used for some of sleepy joe's panels & most of obomba's. it was also used for the majority of the "intro" section of this video. the company logo is stamped onto most of these images.

Presidents Play Pokemon Blue Episode 06
mew, AI, aivoice, presidents, potus, pokemon, funny (TM), parody, humor, meme, game, morrowind, tes, etc.

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