Article 4911 Video - International Public Notice: Our Capitol Issues and Our Flags By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4911 Video - International Public Notice: Our Capitol Issues and Our Flags - Thursday, June 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we showed everyone how to prove to their own satisfaction that their traditional government has been usurped by foreign, for-profit commercial and municipal corporations that are merely in the business of providing "essential government services".

Today, we are answering questions about our actual National Capitol versus our Federal Capitol -- which involves some details about the Federal Capitol that most people don't know, and our new Treasury.

Our National Capitol remains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and we maintain an office there in preparation for the day when the Union States convene the Continental Congress.

Owing to the wrongful persecution our Federation of States has suffered, the Federation Capitol has moved repeatedly over the course of the last six generations and is now located in Big Lake, Alaska, a sleepy frontier hamlet on the edge of nowhere.

We have learned to be adaptable and efficient in the long years that our lawful government has been persecuted under False Pretenses by its own misdirected employees. We can function almost anywhere and maintain our operations, as the current situation proves.

In addition to the Union States Capitol and The United States of America (Federation) Capitol, the Federal Capitol remains, albeit, in a condition of confusion and decay.

The District of Columbia was created and set aside as a location for our Federal Subcontractors to operate, and within the District of Columbia, the City of Washington, DC, was established as the Federal Government's Capitol.

Though this is coming as a shock to many people, Washington, DC, is not the capitol of our country.

The capitol of our country is wherever our State Fiduciary Deputies choose to officially conduct business "in Congress Assembled".

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