Article 4907 Video - "You" Are a Photon Particle Matrix - Monday, June 24, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4907 Video - "You" Are a Photon Particle Matrix - Monday, June 24, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Precisely 7.8 times per second, you disappear. It happens so fast that the human eye cannot detect this, but it is happening. You "flicker" into sight and out of sight like the frames of a movie moving too fast to be perceived as a series of images.

What does this mean?

It means that advanced cameras can slow down the images to reveal the truth: we aren't really here, aren't really solid, and in whatever sense we do exist, it is nothing like what we imagine it to be.

The same is true for animals and plants and rocks and everything else we perceive external to ourselves; they are all flickering in and out of sight and apparently out of existence, within a spectrum of frequencies that we can perceive. Other beings that we cannot perceive exist, but simply "flicker" at a higher or lower frequency.

The essence of our life is thus more like the focusing mechanism of a camera, a force bringing immense amounts of energy into order and clarity to function as a body; the body itself is made of energy--- approximately 33 Trillion volts of focused and ordered energy--- and nothing else.

And it's not static. Our body image is literally made of photon particles of light, which in the aggregate create a pixelated image that is not that much different from the images we see on a movie screen, only projected in three dimensions instead of two.

So it is confirmed that "we" are a holographic photon particle matrix, and everything that seems so solid and sensitive and factual, from a skull to a nose-hair, is not solid at all. Our body is in fact alterable and editable.

In addition to being a photon particle matrix, our body functions as a sensory data collector and information processor --- a form of self-assembling biological computer adapted to "life" on this planet --- and the information contained in its database (DNA) software goes back 13.8 billion years.

Each lifetime adds its bit to the DNA data storage, and as each generation comes forward, we literally inherit the experience and energy and knowledge of our parents in a far more direct and permanent way than anyone previously supposed.

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