The Hidden Truth Behind Spelling Errors and Word Games

8 months ago

Check out how Apple and Google say that certain words are being spelt wrong,
indicated by giving the little squiggly red line underneath the word, it’s telling you,
“You spelt it wrong”.
“VRIL” & “PADA” have been around since the creation of the Earth and definitely since before google.
Spell the word, “VRIL” and Apple and Google will say it’s spelt wrong.
Yet, “Pada” the Eastern word for “VRIL” is accepted as correctly spelt.
That’s interesting since “VIRL” is the word Hitler’s Nazis used.
And, the Forth Reich, which has been prophesied by religious experts.
Fallen Angel NAZIS, are suppose to be rising all the way up,
and taking over, the whole world,

Check out the fact that “voice to text” won’t spell “Sharia” Law correctly.
“Voice text” types, “SHEA” law and “CHERI” law.
“Voice to text” types “NOAH HYDE” and “NOAH HIDE” or “NO HIGH” law.
Instead of being correctly spelled “NOAHIDE” LAW.
These are words commonly associated with the Fallen Angels, through reversal or “Saturnalian” religious practices.
Centered around Saturn, the 6th planet from the Sun.
The Seven Lords, of the Seven Rings of Saturn.
Disguised as “God’s Seven rays of sunshine”,
or “God’s seven colors of the rainbow in the sky”.

Both Noahide and Sharia’s 7 Laws are based in a monotheistic religion.
Such as any Person, Place or Thing.
Some how Deemed a singular source of all.
Creating a separation mindset from others and seeing one’s self as superior.
By aiming at separating out and excluding, and even eliminating people deemed inferior.
People deemed not quite as Adept, and even infidels, or sinners.
Based In one’s belief, in the Singularity of their God above all.
Based in one’s Epic Genetics, and or bloodline.
As opposed to a belief in a Singular as well as Triune or Trinitarian God above all.
Offering salvation from sin, through God’s Son and maintained by God’s Holy Spirit.
The fallen angel led puppets who work and give their entire lives to destroying the Earth and mankind.
To make a name for themselves ?
Will go in a lake of fire !!!
OACH !!!!

Saturnalia is reversal.
In this case, focuses our attention completely on a required set of actions or inaction.
Away from compassionately and empathetically doing for others, as we would want others, to do for us.
Which gives us the resulting fruit, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God, want for us, from us.
This in itself makes us His vessels.
By Focusing our attention on a required adherence to a reality, a structure, a law.
Taking us away from being God’s vessels.
Compassionately meeting the needs of every other one of us,
Is, I believe, what Lucifer is requiring from the 25% of mankind.
The 25% given over to the Beast System.
Right now!
In these days, before we see the return of The Son of Man.

The “TARE” are so lacking, but lacking is exactly what the Fallen Angel Puppet Master need from a puppet.
A puppet with a brain would see the light, and we see the light.
We run to the side that respect & benefits the life we possess.
So you can understand why they need to dumb us down, and dwindle our numbers.
Just to get a leg up on us.
They never think about all the people looking at them and seeing exactly what they are doing.
We know exactly the reasons they’re doing it, too.
I can just hear saved people, asking the TARE !!
“Do you really think you’re gonna get away with this, ?
Lake a fire club member!!!!”

These word games are being conducted by the same fallen angel puppet masters,
that changed the definition, “Inspiration”.
They changed it to mean the same as “Motivation”,
Which is a physical change in motion, made out of “FEAR”.
The Fear of potentially suffering, is the driving force.
If some action, or inaction, is or isn’t taken,
in the physical body, in the physical realm, suffering will occur!
The opposite dialectic is true of “INSPIRATION”

Those who are led by Lucifer and see, “intelligence’s conclusion, is for mankind to see his Heart as inferior to the mind.
Which is what the illuminati demands from us.
Consequentially, then turning “adversarial toward mankind”
As in “Satanic”.
Which will be executed by those with the Satanic mind set.
The same people that changed the definition of the word, “Vaccine”!
To be associated with something that has a positive implication.
In order to be associated with traditional “Safe & effective Vaccines”,
but it doesn’t even fit the definition of “Vaccine”!
This is reversal.
It’s a back door approach, to work around God.
A work around, our human nature.
To inflict EVIL.
To stamp out “The SEED of the woman” !!!!!
Adam’s seed !!!
The Human Race !!!!
Pure & Simple !!!

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