The Connie Bryan Show July 2024: Both the Religious & Political 'CON' of Control

8 months ago

On the MUST SEE eye-opening July 2024 episode of 'The Connie Bryan Show', Connie continues to expose Netanyahu and Israel's hypocritical war crimes in Palestine/Gaza and shows the evidence of the weaponized 'faith' of Judaism and the Old Testament of the Bible, being used to justify such war crimes in the name of God, synonymous with the evidence Connie also continues to detail of Christianity's weaponized 'faith' of the New Testament of the Bible, and its shamefully decreed 'MANIFEST DESTINY' legacy it has demonstrated since its fabrication by Rome and the Catholic church over the last 2 thousand years...Then Connie shows the massive evidence of the 'controlled opposition' CON MACHINE and WORLD STAGE REALITY SHOW by Donald Trump and his globalist handlers on the Conservative Christian Right that have hijacked the Republican Party, just the same as Joe Biden's globalist handlers on the radical Democratic Left have hijacked the Democratic Party, both to the detriment of We the People. Connie ends the show discussing how We the People can peacefully revolutionize and overcome the current corrupt monopoly corporate system, and replace it with the Constitutional one our foremothers and forefathers intended, that protects individual liberty, small mom and pop business enterprise, and the primary interests of We the People! Please share this content far and wide to continue to help us overcome the incessant 'shadow banning' by Big Tech and social media.

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