Conspiracy Theories: Is WWE Trying to Destroy AEW?

8 months ago

The conspiracy theories can start to build up If WWE the biggest company for sports entertainment for wrestling pro wrestling Goes out on a limb and says let's partner with these people And let's say that those partnerships have a clause in it to say now break your partnership with AEW It's a possibility that Paul Levesque is pushing AEW did not be able to utilize these other partners Just the same way how they have contracts where certain stadiums they go in They can't be there before a certain amount of time They can't be there after a certain amount of time And I Hate me again I'm gonna repeat it again When you look at it this is why I grow so much goosebumps and I want people to sit and take the time to listen to what I'm about to say Seeing the YS-Six show up as in the Firefly Funhouse got broken is and these guys bled into the real universe It's symbolic to what WWE is doing about going out into the world trying to get a contract with Mexico trying to put a contract together and probably somewhere with more more companies in different parts of Asia or UK or possibly you know with Cody Rhodes building a wrestling ring I'm not saying that That's what we're going to have in the next In Africa we're going to have another pay-per-view there But when you look at it When you go look at the TKO website bro when they say they gonna go worldwide global They meant that hey we own 97 percent of the market in the United States They're trying to own 97 percent of the market of the world

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