Atomic Biscuits - 20240630 - Julian Calendar

4 months ago

This week was a week of distractions and attractions. From the Presidential "debate" held on a soundstage in Atlanta, to Sunak and Starmer's clash, French polling, and EU leadership arguments...there was to an attempted coup in Bolivia with 17 arrested, to an ex-Honduran president sentenced to 45 years for running the country like a drug factory, stories of witches in Maldives and Namibia...lots of noise. Who is running the news now, because it's not clear there are any reporters actually bring facts to broadcasts.
Yes, yes. Clearly Biden was high as a kite and most of the broadcasts were "overwhelmed" with demand so streaming failed...and there were no audience members to contradict the pundits who worked their faithless charms around the wicker man melting before everyone's eyes on the world stage. What this public sacrifice demonstrates is the lengths the puppetmasters will go to, to dare people not comprehend with their own eyes... An Emperor's New Clothes for the digital age, where more-open eyes can be digitally painted in real time like marking a tennis ball for Wimbledon coverage.
Buried in the COVID shots for the fall recommended for those 6 months and up. Really? Really.

What seems clear to me this week is the world is awake. The people of the world are watching the powers that rule determine that it's time for fumigation in the forms of war, pestilence and famine. Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, fires; whatever multipronged approach will keep the serfs at bay while the battlements are ablaze.
Well too bad. We've forded the moat and we're destroying your door with the bigger caber we can muster...and it's only a matter of time before we make our way to the inner way of the red keep and capture it all.
So look out banksters. Look out unseen hand. Your days are done, for we've already won.

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