Int 810 with an artist with a chronic illness Maggie Bernet

7 months ago

Born in KLOSTERS Switzerland. Maggie Bernet is a self taught Artist that is addicted to strong and bold colors. Creating a piece of Art is very much a psychological, emotional and spiritual process to her. It expresses my passion and what she see and feel from others. Abstract Art to her means freedom, and once she realized that, her journey as a colour addict began. Maggie was totally taken by this feeling and today she doesn't have much control over what and how she paints. She paints and create what she is attracted to. Abstract Art speaks to you and it tells its own story and relates its own message, very much like music, it comes straight from the soul.

Maggie grew up on a farm in a small town named Klosters. The famous Ski resort and WEF Prättigau valley. She recalls being hospitalized at the age of 16 and 17 due to severe tonsillitis and respiratory issues
In hindsight it all makes sense as her father had severe bronchial asthma and was in and out of the hospital/sanatorium while she was growing up, she only knew her father as being ill. Her dad's illness encouraged her to take on a career in the medical field. She went on to study what people call back home Doctors Assistant/Lab Technician, in short "Office nurse"
She came to BC, Canada in 1980 and have been suffering with sinus infections on and off. She has seen several ENT's over the years before 1 got to her Hero Dr. Amin Javer who diagnosed her In 2002 with AFS (allergic fungal Sinus disease) and CRC (chronic Rhinosinusitis).
In 2004 she was undergoing her first endoscopic sinus surgery performed by Dr. Javer at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver BC. They were both hoping this would be the end of my sinus ordeal, that was not meant to be, her life long sinus/nose journey was just beginning to evolve, one could say "she got the nose for it"
Unfortunately she had recurrent infections with severe debilitating frontal sinus headaches and facial pain. Her family doctor at the time refused to refer me to an immunologist and didn't believe her sinus problems were severe enough to pay attention. Having grown up with a father that was always sick, she knew there was more to it and that she was immune compromised.
In September 2005 once again she was sitting with Dr. Javer getting my sinuses flushed and they discussed other causes and tests, which he ordered immediately The tests came back positive for Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PIDD) and were confirmed with two different Immunologists
Maggie made friends with her body long ago because it is the only one she has; therefore she does know her body best. Family Doctors need to listen to their patients more closely and they also should be taught more about the Immune system, recognize signs and either order tests accordingly or refer them to a specialist. Too many patients are treated for symptoms rather then a diagnosed disease/illness and that is like driving a car with one wheel constantly on the verge of falling off.
The specialist initiated IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) treatments and the order was to be carried out by her GP. He was to call Delta Hospital to arrange for an immediate treatment, but that call never came. She contacted her GP who refused to take her call, so she phoned her Immunologist and he personally put the order through to the Hospital. Her GP's lack of action resulted in a delay of her treatment, hence her patient relationship with my GP who was also my friend, ended,

In June 2006 she had her 2nd surgery, her 3'd in April 2007 her 4th in June 2018, to date my last sinus surgery/procedure was last year in July 2022. After her 3'd surgery in 2007 she lost her sense of smell and taste, Anosmia and Ageusia
The only reason she believe she didn't need more surgeries is due to the ongoing almost weekly visits to the ENT clinic and keeping her sinuses clean/clear and under control The other equal lifesaving treatment is my the Blood Plasma infusion called IVIG,
owe her life to Dr. Javer, he is the most caring, compassionate, knowledgeable, amazing doctor and human being she has ever come to know as a patient and medical professional. She has the utmost respect for this man and he is her lifeline,
Sinus disease patients are daily at risk from getting new and recurrent infections, due to air pollution, leaf blowers, and or all kinds of air borne organisms
She is living proof that this "Co vid-vir us" was nothing to be afraid of, it is/was a flu nothing more, I never wore a mask, got tested and I am vac cine free for over 25 years, my immune disorder together with my sinus disease is complex enough without meddling with vac cines of any kind.
My hope for the future is that the Canadian Blood Services is seriously looking into more "Pure Blood Donors"
After all, My Body, My Right, My Choice

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