Definitely Not Okay (feat. “Psycho In My Head”) - New Version

8 months ago

Song is "Psycho In My Head" by Skillet
Footage and art from the Korean drama, "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" v2

It usually only takes a day or so for me to start finding a plethora of faults with every edit I do, but I chalk them up to the learning experience and move on. However, because "Not Okay" was one of my first up-tempo pieces, it had a lot more glaring issues that I was able to ignore.

Before I can sit down to do a "real" video for "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" (with a song from its OST), I needed to get the corrections off my mind. Nothing drastic--mostly adding clips for tempo to keep the energy going in places where it had lagged. Did some minor color corrections and low-key stuff as well, just to give it a bit more polish. I'm sure I'll find all sorts of problems with this in the future, but at least I won't wince every time I try to watch it.

---Below the the original description---

I wanted to do a bizarre little experiment: use an English song in conjunction with a k-drama and make that song heavy. I typically use lighter music from the OST for these types of videos, and I still plan on doing one for this show. But I've had Skillet's "Psycho" my head for a long time, and I though the subject matter of this show worked with the theme of the song.

The edit does make it look much more like a horror/thriller, which is kind of fun, but not at all what the actual show is about. Always interesting to see how images and footage can be arranged to present material in a completely different way...

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