Dialogue, Not Thermonuclear Destruction: The American Electorate At a Cross-Roads

8 months ago

Concerning “wars, and the rumors of wars,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov recently pointed out, "The current situation, indeed, has no easy solutions and no easy way out. Of course, our Western adversaries' underestimation of Russia's readiness to defend itself and ensure its own interests in any situation is risky. I do not even want to speculate that this underestimation may turn out to be tragic, even fatal."Col. Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to the late United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, and a participant in the June 12 Schiller Institute National Press Club press availability, “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, And Must be Stopped, “ recently said that the “US, NATO, and other western allies' support for the war in Ukraine against Russia is insane. It is killing Ukraine's soldiers for a hopeless cause…”other than making money for US and European defense contractors and generating a brutal attempt through proxies to bleed Russia….In fact, Russia is clearly winning.”

The way out, the ascent from the maelstrom of total and final thermonuclear war, is outlined in a statement from Independent candidate for United States Senate, Diane Sare, “Don’t Repeat the Mistake of December 2021:Putin’s Ukraine-Russia Peace Plan Is Our Best Option.” Through the Sare campaign, the Jose Vega for Congress Campaign, through the campaigns by LaRouche co-thinkers presently running for office in the soon-to-be-held French elections, and the daily deepening activity of the International Peace Coalition weekly meetings, is it possible to turn things around? Tonight Jose Vega and others will discuss how his recent intervention into last Tuesday’s New York Congressional primary race provides a model for what each American citizen can do to refocus narrow concerns and narrow candidates on the immediate task before us. We must end fratricidal, genocidal, and suicidal population wars that can mushroom—literally—into the end of civilization, by establishing a new world security and development architecture framework, as the polar opposite of what Winston Churchill lyingly called “The Sinews of Peace” in his infamous “Iron Curtain” speech of 1946.

Speaker: Jose Vega, LaRouche Independent Candidate for Congress, 15th CD

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