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Prophet Julie Green - Do Not Fear What Is in Your Waters - Captions
In this message from June 14th, 2024, God reassures his children not to fear the actions of Russia, as strategic moves are being made for their protection. He warns Russia to stay within their boundaries and not be swayed by greed or power. The message also speaks of upcoming exposures and revelations in the entertainment industry, government, and religious institutions, as well as the release of great freedom and joy for his people. God promises to manifest his glory and bring about a new era of peace and strength for his followers.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
Matt. 16:18
Heb. 2:14
Joel 2:23-30
Acts 2:17-20
Isa. 60:1-2
Hag. 2:6-8
Col. 1:13
Hos. 4:6
Gal. 4:4-7
Gal. 5:1
John 8:36
Prov. 23:7
John 16:33
Phil. 4:13
Neh. 8:10
4620 E 53RD STREET
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday and it's June 18th already. Where's the time going and it's 2024 and I just am so excited for each and every one of you. And now I was kind of checking out the live stream this morning or the live chat, I should say. And I just want to say how much I love y'all and how awesome you are all to each other and what an amazing family you are and how you're praying for one another, how you encourage one another.
It is just such a blessing to me. So I'm sitting there studying, I'm sitting there praying and I'm looking up at the time clock and I, I see the chat up there and I'm just, I read a couple of things and I'm just blown away about what you do for each other. And how much you love each other, how much you are just standing in the gap for one another.
That is what we are all supposed to be doing and what a great example you all are to the body of Christ. Because this is how we're supposed to be. We're supposed to be uniting with one another. We're supposed to be praying for one another and encouraging one another. This is that time right now. And it's so, so beautiful.
To see that. And I am so blessed. And I know that the team feels the same way. I do all of us here at JGMI, we are all so blessed to have each and every one of you in our life. And that's the reason why we pray for you every day. And you are on our hearts and we war for you and we stand in the gap for you because you are all such amazing, amazing people.
I'm not just saying that. I mean, you truly are amazing people. And from what I've seen from the world and what I'm seeing in the body of Christ and what I'm seeing in, in all of you, it is just truly amazing how God has grown us all together in this time and when the enemy wanted to knock us out, knock us down and destroy any hope that we had left.
God has built you up stronger and I can see that and so I'm just so so blessed to to be a part of this and and be to have you guys all in our life. So I just want to say thank you, thank you, and God bless each and And every one of you now this morning I do have another live show today. Okay. So you're seeing me right now, but I'm also going to be on at 10 o'clock central time.
So in a few short hours, like three and a half hours from now, I will be back on once again, live with you. So do not miss that live show. I have a feeling you'll want to see. It's a very special guest. And I cannot wait to introduce him to all of you. Some of you, I might even know him already. But I'm.
I'm very excited to have him on my show and I will keep that a secret until later, but just stay tuned for 10 o'clock. Now yesterday's, I know yesterday's live show was very powerful and I know God has got a lot of things going on right now that he is exposing all of these things and my camera is acting up again.
I apologize for that. It's like it has a mind of its own. I don't understand this camera sometimes. And yes, I will eventually get a new one. But anyway, God is really, really, it's just that pivotal time right now where I'm just, I just know something is about to change dramatically. And that's the reason why he has all of us together.
And I know I saw people in the chat this morning even talking about the event that we just had, how powerful it was. And some people got to experience that power in their home. And some people got to experience that power in person. I know people want more of that and God has put it on my heart to pray about that as well to have more of those.
I don't know how he's going to do it, but I know he wants it and I know he'll put it together. So we'll keep you posted on anything that God has in store. For us to do but I know that he's got something for us to do here again this year I just let's just see how he does it because anything that he's gonna do.
I know he's gonna do it supernaturally I know he's gonna make it where it looks impossible right now for us to do it And I know he'll make a way for us to do it. So you guys keep praying if you guys want another event You guys want to expect to have something like that you keep being in agreement with us because we are Praying for god to lead us in that direction and where he wants it And when, because that's very, very specific.
We don't just plan up an event to plan an event. We want an event exactly when he wants it and exactly where he wants it and how he wants it done. So the event went his way and that's why it was so awesome. And that's the reason why the power was the way it was because it was God's event. It was not.
our event. So just be in agreement with us and we'll have another one soon, hopefully. So, all right. Now this prophetic word that I'm going to share with you, gosh, it's awesome. I will have to tell you, I'm still reading these prophecies or that's part of prophecies. These praise reports is what I meant to say.
These praise reports I'm gonna get into this prophecy in a minute is what I meant to say, but the praise reports have just been so Amazing keep pouring them in because we're reading them all we appreciate them We are rejoicing with you and we are encouraged to see what god is doing in your life.
So it was just it was awesome to see it So and it's awesome to read all those so you guys you are very loved by all of us and we just love Hearing from you Okay, now this is called this prophetic word, I actually was one, I was going to read to you yesterday and the Lord had me change it up and I thought it was an actually change up this morning.
I didn't know for sure which way he really wanted me to go. I mean, I know if he wanted me to change it, I w I would already, but so right now I'm just going to go with this one and who knows what else he has in store, but we'll see. So anyway, this is called do not fear what is in your waters. Do not fear what is in your waters.
And this was from again, June 14th of 2024. It says, my children do not fear what you see with Russia. Do not fear their ships and do not fear their power and do not fear their weapons and do not fear because I Am protecting you and this is not how it seems at all. I repeatedly told you to watch the ships and watch your waters because things are going on that you don't understand now.
But you soon will. Strategic moves are being made not for your destruction, but for your protection. Russia, I Am talking to you. I have warned you to do as I have allowed you to do and no more. Do not take any more moves and do not get arrogant and do not defy me. I have used you to do these things upon this earth and that you would be protected.
But. Don't you make those moves outside the lines that you have now. Russia, are you listening? Do not be persuaded by money or by what other nations are telling you you can have because you can't. Do not pay attention to any shiny objects. You pay attention to me. This is my warning to you, Russia. Stay within your boundaries because soon this will all be over and you will receive what was promised to you Stay where you are now and you will be glad you did saith the lord Rome will be in your news for a significant reason secrets that were buried Will be buried no more a shaking is coming to this religion and it will never Be the same the Vatican will also be exposed and all who are in it.
This shaking will change everything and shake the followers to their core. Great lies were told and great secrets were hidden. And kept from the people. And this will all be released on what will come out of the Vatican. Was all a lie and a sham and a farce. And a scheme so big and so deceptive. It will bring a shock to many.
A lot of religious camps will never be the same. And the great awakening has begun and every secret and every lie will be revealed to deliver many from the chains of deception, saith the Lord of hosts. Another rapper will be exposed and this will reveal more regarding this industry. But I will show you who is the real, who the real big fish are.
You have only seen the fall guys. But soon you will see who has been controlling this industry and you'll be shocked to see how much this industry is connected to Hollywood and Epstein and your government. It's all falling apart. Another actor will come out and shock the world with explosive exposures.
They have along with so many others that were keeping silent in fear of their lives or their families But i've told you these are the days for the whistleblowers And more will come out with a greater boldness to destroy many that have been controlling their narrative The entertainment industry and your government your financial system the medical industry education and military I told you they have Infiltrated everything and it's all about to blow up and be destroyed From them to all be forced out of where they all have been.
You will see none of this is bigger than me. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
O, United States, things have been hidden and done against you by your own government on your own soil. Your enemies have used your deserts in your nation and great secrets have been hidden there. What they have kept in these deserts, I will show you all that they have done to you and what they have been doing to destroy you.
No, what they have done and what they have been destroying you with. Excuse me. I will take it all out for this nation to see. That it will be cleansed by me, saith the Lord.
A doctor is about to come out and his voice will be heard on what they have done to destroy your bodies and your minds. Things hidden from the world for more control. They sickened you, weakened you, distracted you, lied to you, destroyed you, and who you really were. So you would not be able to fight them back.
This is over. You are not their slaves. And you are not theirs to control a great release is coming and a great freedom will be felt And soon you will see what kind of life I really had for you Not the one that you were living a life where you'll be able to enjoy peace You'll be able to have that you have never a peace that you have never known A great joy with great strength to fight against your enemies Attacks easier no more shackles.
No more bondage You will soon see me, my children, and what I've always had for you, with no stopping it. My glory will be manifested in your lives, so great that hell and death will not prevail against you. My body will be in the fullness of my glory, where I've always wanted you, why I've always have wanted you to be.
You will soon see this great glory to be poured out upon this earth like never before Get ready, because I Am ready, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. When he was talking about, in this last paragraph, when he said my glory will be manifested in your lives so great that you will be Hell and death will not prevail against it.
So I had to look it up I know that's in the word and it is in matthew 16 and verse 18 This is when remember when peter had this revelation that jesus was the messiah He was the christ and this is when jesus turned to peter And he said to him on this rock peter the church right here. It says in verse 18 I will tell you you are peter which is in greek means a large piece of rock On this rock a huge rock like gibraltar I will build my church in the gates of hades the powers of the eternal region Shall not overpower it or be strong enough to deter it Or hold it out against it.
This was talking about right here. It wasn't Peter himself. And that's how a lot of religious leaders have mistaken that. And they've made doctrines out of it. It wasn't Peter. It was the faith that Peter had. That Jesus was the Messiah, that he was Christ, that he was the anointed one, that he was a child of the son of God that was came here to destroy the power of the curse and the power that's been this in this earth.
Peter had that knowledge and what Jesus was saying to Peter is that he was Simon and he called him Peter and he said the church the ones who are Being agreement the ones who will believe the ones who will not be moved the ones who look to me The ones who will stand on this Knowledge that I Am the Messiah, that I Am the Christ, that I Am the anointed one, that I Am the one who God has sent, I Am the son of God, and I Am the one who destroyed the powers of hell, and he said, upon that, hell will not prevail against me.
The church. So we have knowledge of the power of the name of Jesus. We have knowledge of the, the blood of Jesus and that sacrifice and what he has done already for us. And he's already destroyed the power of the enemy. Just like it says in Hebrews chapter two and verse 14, and he says he's brought the enemy to nothing.
So if we have that type of belief and we are those type of believers, That we have that strong knowledge on the inside of us that jesus has already brought Hell and death in the grave to nothing. He brought back the keys He destroyed the power of the enemy if we have that strong foundation If we are firmly footed in that knowing that we have the greater one on the inside of us Then hell and death will not prevail against us and just like with that event that we had I'm tellin ya, you can't just go anywhere and have it.
You were the ones who also played a part. Not only were you watching online, but you were in there with us. It was your expectant heart. It was your trusting in God. It was your faith in him that he was going to move and he will do what he said he was going to do. And he did. And the reason why some experience it and maybe some didn't, it was because your faith, just like Peter had when it came to Jesus.
And knowing who he was and trusting in who he was That's why peter was the only one that got out of the boat and walked on the water Because he was the only one that had that type of faith. Well, jesus says it he'll do it If jesus wants me to come out on this water, he will make sure that i'm going to walk on that water with faith strong faith That peter had and that's exactly what god's saying right now to us We need to have that same type of faith that we will not be moved That we will stand on the word of god knowing that god is faithful to Perform his work and we we have that kind of faith.
That means hell and death will not prevail We're going to see a type of glory now Even what god told us With that event and how that much power I've never been I've never been used like that with that kind of power I never have experienced that kind of power before like God had used Yeah for me that day and so many others I and I heard of so many people being delivered and so many people being free That god was there and people could feel it when they were walking into that room He said that was just a drop in the bucket.
We were all excited. We all had fun We all enjoyed that power of almighty god and he's saying i'm just getting started. He literally told me i'm just getting started From what i'm what you've seen to what i'm going to do You You can't compare it. It's all on the same scale So god is telling us to have that expectant heart That we are going to reach this type of glory or reach this type of power of almighty god Which is type of faith that we are order or that we are able to receive From god in such a greater way.
He's going to manifest himself in such a massive way Remember, he even said I think it was like three years ago now. I think that's when I first got on social media now I have been Around the faith, I've been around this my entire life. I was born again at the age of five. And I was, I started praying for people about that age.
I was little and you know, I've been around this all my life. I may not have been on social media all my life. I didn't want to be on social media, but that's what God had for me to do. But I've been around ministry all my life and I've seen God do the miraculous. But he's saying what he did before, even in the times of old, like I said, I've mentioned many people's names before, like Catherine Kuhlman and Amy Silva McPherson and A.
A. Allen and Smith Wigglesworth and Maria Woodworth Edder and John G. Lake and all these people before us. And there was mighty, massive, moves of almighty God. Azusa Street in California, look it up. Mighty moves of God. Yes, it was in California. I'm pretty sure Amos Simmons McPherson and Kathryn Kuhlman, I think they both came out of California if I'm right.
Because I know they're both buried there. I saw both of their graves. Graves with Manuel. There are mighty moves of God waiting. He's waiting for them to take place in this nation and around the world. But all he needed was expectant hearts and people that were open and ready to receive because just like he says, And Joel, go to Joel chapter 2.
This is where a lot of religious leaders don't like to talk about and they don't like to look these scriptures up or even mention them because they can't explain them apparently. When Joel chapter 2 talks about what God's going to do in the last days.
And I have to stop turning past it.
Okay, and i'm gonna start with verse
23 i'm gonna start with an earlier verse than I thought I was going to joel chapter 2 and verse 23 Be glad then you children of zion and rejoicing the lord your god for he gives you the former or the early rain in just measure And righteousness and he causes to come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain as before You So he's talking about what happened in the former reign, which is the former reign or the glory of almighty God and the movement of almighty God.
And he's talking about the latter reign and he's going to be so powerful. It's going to come. It's going to be so massive that he will not be denied. That's the whole point. If people are seeing the massive movements of almighty God, the miracles, the signs and wonders, and seeing God for who he really is, that is going to, to awaken.
More people from the deception of what they have believed before and it says in verse 24 And the threshing floor shall full be full of grain the vassal overflow with juice of the grape and the oil verse 25 I will restore and replace for you the years that the locusts have eaten and the hopping locusts and the stripping locusts and the Crawling locusts that my great army sent among you He says in verse 26 and you shall eat and plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord Your God and who has dwelt wondrously with you and my people shall never be put to shame Then this is where it gets where people don't like talk about and then you shall know and understand and realize that I Am the midst Of Israel that I Am the Lord your God and there is none else My people shall never be put to shame verse 28 and afterward.
I will pour out my spirit upon all of you All flesh. He said to pour out his spirit upon all flesh. This is that part of what he's talking about with the outpouring of the glory that he said was going to fill this earth. His glory. His glory is his manifested presence. His power. And his goodness, that's what his glory is.
He's going to pour it upon all flesh is what he's saying right here. Then he said, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Guys is not sexist. No matter what some people say. He's not a sexless God. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams. And your young men shall see visions.
This is another way he's pouring out his glory. He manifests his presence. People are going to prophesy more in the last days. When he's pouring out his spirit upon all flesh. More people are going to have visions. More people are going to have dreams. Because more people need that revelation and the awakening of how powerful that God is going to pour out the super upon the natural.
We've been limited and God says no more limitations take the limitations off verse 29 Even upon the men servants and upon the maid servants in those days. I will pour out my spirit He's saying he's in a pour out his spirit upon men and upon women That's why I said when people say God doesn't you know talk through women?
I I don't I don't get that because he chooses to Who is willing and he says it right here And I will show signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth and a blood fire and columns of smoke And it goes on about turning the sun into darkness and the moon into blood God is saying he's pouring out his spirit upon all flesh Then you can also read this in acts chapter 2
same thing acts chapter 2 verse 17 And it shall come to pass In the last days. Well, we are in the last days god declares. I will pour out my spirit Upon all mankind. It doesn't say i'm gonna pour out my spirit upon men He says mankind That means male and female god will use Who is willing to be obedient
and I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind He says all and all means all and your sons and daughters Shall prophesy telling forth the divine counsels and young men shall see visions Divinely granted appearances and your old men shall dream divinely suggested dreams God is giving his children more insight of who he is and how to use his word, how to speak his word, how the spirit, how the spirit works.
And not just of what people have told you. He's revealing to people who he really is and what he has for them. He's pouring out his glory upon this earth. He says in a flood this earth with his glory like he did with the waters of noah,
and then he says in verse 18 Yes, and on my men servants and also And on my maid servants. So again, he's talking about Male and female and my maid servants in those days. I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy Again, and where people are saying that prophets aren't for today or prophecy isn't for today I don't understand where their logic is We are in the last days.
God is specifically talking about what we should see in Manifestation in the last days what God is going to do what to expect him to do through his people So he says again, yes men servants and my maid servants in those days I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy telling forth the divine counsels predicting future events pertaining especially to To God's kingdom.
So when God has been prophesying the way he's been prophesying through many different prophets, because he's been using many different people, it's been changing the body of Christ and awakening them. So when they're seeing all these things are not being deceived when they're seeing and hearing all these things that God has already done, and he's already prophesied and fulfilled it, it brings them encouragement and it brings them joy and it brings them peace, knowing that God says what he's going to do, he's going to do it.
And he wants to pour our spirit upon all flesh. He wants all people to experience his glory.
And again, it says in verse 19, I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath blood fire and vapor smoke and for smoking vapor, verse 20, the sun shall be darkened and the darkness and the moon and the into blood before the obvious day of the Lord comes. We have seen just an eclipse.
And we've also seen blood moons. That's something also we should be looking for signs in the skies. God is getting our attention. We've already seen, and I've said this many times before, in this year long, and with this election cycle, look at how unconventional and how unprecedented it has already been.
God has been saying this. For a long time to get our attention that he's the one in control and not who the ones who think they are in control and one that looks like they're in control. God wants the attention of his people and that's why he's pouring out his spirit. That's why he's pouring out that glory and that's why he's prophesying the way he is and that's the reason why you're seeing greater manifestations of his glory.
upon his people. He needs his people's attention. Look what it says in Isaiah.
Go to Isaiah 60
in verse 1. This is another reason why there needs to be God's glory in the last days, because as you can see alone, since 2020, we've been talking about this a lot. The fear, the deception that has been poured out, the disinformation, the confusion, the hopelessness, the despair that has been brought upon this earth.
Why do you think that God has to manifest his glory even greater than again, where evil is? Because he's not God's grace will abound greater than that. So you've seen evil to a massive degree But you're gonna see God's greater glory and God's glory greater than that. Isaiah 60 in verse 1 Arise from the depression and frustration in which circumstances have kept you rise to a new life shine and be radiant with glory of the Lord For your light is come the glory of the Lord has risen upon you This is another way he's talking about the glory of the Lord has been risen upon you It's gonna be in you on you around you surrounding you Be expecting the glory of almighty God.
That's why we as a team leading up to that event, it was, you know, we started planning that and took a year almost, I think it was like 10 months or something. But we've been praying for the last couple years to God to show us his glory in greater measure. Start saying, God, show me your glory. And what does his glory mean?
His manifest presence, his power, and his goodness. Verse two, for behold, now he's going to tell you what happens. Now he's telling you to arise. Why because in verse 2 it says for behold darkness shall cover the earth and dense darkness all people, but the Lord shall arise upon you and his glory shall be seen on You God's glory shall be seen on you So every time everybody wants to magnify the darkness Now, like I said, I've been talking to people and they thought when God says a time of darkness, they automatically thought it was just electricity and they'd have no power.
Well, that's not all of it. The darkness was also that spiritual darkness has overwhelmed people. I've heard of so many different Christians that have been talking about the overwhelming darkness, the despair, the fear, the the just hopelessness that they have endured. So there has been a lot of darkness in this world already.
And that darkness was amplified in 2020. But God said, even when that darkness is trying to come upon all people, he's saying, my glory is going to be seen on you. So we're supposed to be member of that salt and the light. We're supposed to be salt because salt cleanses and light, light destroys darkness.
We are have to supposed to have the glory of God to be seen and on us and in our lives to destroy that darkness. We have a mandate as soon as the most high God to show God's glory to the world, to other people, to share his love, to share his goodness, to share his power, to share the truth, which truth sets people free.
It's not just, not just, you know, people like me who are, you know, You know, been called in the fivefold, been called to preach and teach and encourage and prophesy. All the body of Christ has a part to play in this. Let's look at also, let's look at Haggai for a minute. Haggai chapter 2 and verse 6.
Haggai chapter 2 and verse 6 and this is also something that's really important And it says for thus saith the lord of hosts yet once more in a little while I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens the earth the sea and the dry land Remember, he's been talking about his shaking for a while.
He's got to shake people up He's got to shake religion off of people that religious tradition religious mindsets The legalistic parts of people what they had believed and then what they were believing was a lie You Just like the Pharisees the days of old, that religious spirit's still around. God's gotta shake things up to shake his people free from a bondage and deception that they had believing and they were restricted from receiving God's glory.
Verse seven and I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in and I will fill This house with splendor says the Lord of hosts I'm gonna spill the fill this power or I'm gonna fill this house with splendor. It's God's power God's glory then he says in verse 8 the silver is mine and gold is mine says the Lord of hosts It's not supposed to be manipulated by this fiat system.
They've been manipulating gold and silver You The gold and silver is not theirs to manipulate.
That's for another day. Verse 9, The latter glory of the south with its successor to which Jesus came shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. In this place will I give peace and prosperity, says the Lord of hosts. So God is talking about what we're going to see in this last days. And he mentions his glory and he's talking about now.
Okay. Let's go to look at colossians Go to colossians 1
because there's been such a darkness upon
this earth colossians 1 and 13 colossians 1 and 13 and it says the father has Delivered he already has Delivered because what Jesus has done and people think that God still has to do something else Yes, God will manifest his power upon this earth But what we have to do is believe what we've already done.
He's already destroyed the power of hell He's already take back the keys of hell death in the grave He has already brought the curse to nothing even though the curse is in this earth But it's brought to nothing against you and I Now it's our turn to believe that God already has delivered us out of this mess So we stop accepting it and expecting it to happen to us Remember the atmosphere of expectancy is a breeding ground for our miracle So if you're expecting a miracle you will receive your miracle But if you're expecting defeat and sickness and disease like the world wants you expect it That's what you're gonna get a man thinking that his heart so is he You Look what it says in verse 13 Colossians 1 13 It says the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness And has transferred us in the kingdom of his son of his love We've already been drawn out of that kingdom, but the enemy was trying to draw people back in And it says in Hosea 4, 6 that God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
If you don't have the knowledge that God's already drawn you out of it, then you will accept that deception back in it.
Okay, hold on. He's bringing up another scripture.
Go to Galatians 4 and verse 4. Galatians 4 and verse 4 says, With a proper time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the law. Now he was subject to the regulations of the law. He was a man. Then he was baptized in the Holy Ghost. And that's the reason when you saw Jesus be able to perform miracles, signs, and wonders after he was baptized by John the Baptist.
That's when the miracle started. Then it says, Why was he born subject to the regulations of the law? Well that will just make some religious leaders mad. But it was. Why? Why was he? It explains it right here. Verse 5 To purchase the freedom, to ransom, to redeem, to atone for those who were subject to the law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us and be recognized as God's sons, or God's children.
That's why He was came to this world. He was subject to the regulation of it to destroy it Then it says and because we are really his sons and God sent his Holy Spirit of his son into our hearts crying I'm a father verse 7 therefore you are no longer a slave a bondservant but a son and if a son and its followers that you are an heir by The aid of God through Christ so we have been bought with a price Jesus Ransomed you out of the darkness and out of the power of the enemy You He paid the price for you.
Satan's trying to draw people back in with these governments and with their laws and with our trying to strip your freedoms away and try and strip your healing away from you and try and do everything to deceive you and to being a victim and when will you're not. Look what it says in Galatians 5 and 1.
Galatians 5 and 1 says, In this freedom, Christ has made us free. People are wanting to be free now. I just want that freedom. I just want freedom. I just want freedom. And God's saying, look, you're already free. Satan is trying to steal your freedom. Now you know what he's trying to do. Now you get him out of your life.
Get him off of your freedom because it's already rightfully yours. You've been paid for. You've been bought with that price. Jesus, it says right here, in this freedom, Christ made us completely free. Christ has made you free. You say, well, I've been in bondage. That's because Satan has deceived people into accepting a bondage that they don't need to accept.
He says, stand fast and do not be hampered and held to snare and cement again to yoke of slavery which you have once put off. Freedom is already yours. That's why I've told you several different times. Man did not give you a freedom. The government did not give you that freedom. They can pretend like they did and they can pretend to take it away, but they really can't because that's been given by almighty God.
Your freedom has already been paid for. You've already been ransomed. The price of that blood has already been shed for you. You are free. Now you just need to take it, believe it, receive it. I thank you, Father God, no matter what it looks like, I am free. No matter what the doctor says, no, I am free. No matter what the government says, no, I am free.
No matter what my mind says, no, I am free. Change your mindset. The price has already been paid. You are free. Remember who it says? Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Jesus paid for you, and he warns you right here in Galatians 5. He says, don't be held again By a yoke of bondage. He was warning us that our enemies are going to try to come back in and try to bring us back into a bondage when God has already drawn us out of that bondage.
He's already broken those shackles off. He's already broken those chains off. The price has already been paid for you. Freedom isn't free. The price had to be paid. Jesus paid that price.
People receive Jesus paid the price. In this freedom, Christ has made us free, completely liberated us. And it says, so stand fast then and do not be hampered. So you're going to have ability, you know, you're going to have different things in your life that is going to get you to, to compromise on that. God says, don't let it happen. Let's look at
okay. John 16,
John 16, again, is another important scripture to know this is what's going to happen in the world. But this is not what's supposed to happen to you. Things are going to happen in the world. But remember, you've already been paid for. You've already been ransomed. Jesus has already made you free. Now the enemy is trying to get you into a deception to receive a bondage and to receive an enslavement, to receive all these things that are going wrong in your mind or wrong in your body, wrong in your family, wrong in your finances, wrong in your, near your nation.
And God is saying, don't. Believe it and don't accept it or receive it. That's why he's telling us that stand. Remember we're supposed to fight that good fight of faith. We're supposed to have that shield of faith, which was crunch all the fiery dark, the wicked one. Now it says in John 16, 33, I've told you these things that in me, you may have perfect peace and confidence.
In the world, you'll have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration. But, that means don't accept all these things. You may go through some of these things, but don't allow them to overtake you. He says, but, be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, and certain and undaunted, for I have overcome the world, I've deprived it of its power to harm you, and I've conquered it for you.
Jesus has conquered the world for you, and everything that's in this world that is bad, Jesus said, look to me, I have already set you free, and don't be afraid. Settle for what the enemy wants you to settle for and that's defeat. Satan's the one who's supposed to accept that defeat Not you don't accept defeat.
Don't accept slavery. Don't accept bondage. Don't accept torture. Don't accept these things There are no they don't belong to you
All right Now let's go back over this prophetic word
and God is saying again the title do not fear what is in your waters now God has talked about watching the waters For a long time
and apparently there were, or still is, I don't know, there was a Russian I think it was a submarine and a warship or something like that off the coast of Cuba. It was a nuclear submarine. Thank you, Chris. I heard him over there. So, there was a nuclear submarine off the coast of Cuba. There have been things going on in our waters.
He talked to us about watching the Atlantic. He's talked about watching the Gulf of Mexico. He's given specific words about the Mediterranean Sea. He's given specific words about the Baltic. And he's given specific words about different oceans. He's talked about the Pacific Ocean. There's things going on in our waters.
Chris. And we're going to start to see more of these things. Now, supposedly, I didn't read the whole thing. Again, it was just prophecy. So I was able to see a little bit of it, but I didn't want to read the whole thing. Supposedly it was just some exercise. Who knows? They can say it all they want and they can spin the truth all they want because what you hear in the news is usually a lie anyway.
So Russia had nuclear sub off of, it was in Havana, in Cuba. I don't even know how long exactly they were there for, or if they're still there. But again, things are not always as they appear to be. God talked about nuclear subs. God has talked to us about warships. You can look it all up in prophecy. Go to our website and go look up warships.
Go look up submarines. Go look up submarines. I think it was even nuclear submarines to be specific. I know he's had a lot of different things about the water. Y'all is telling us to start paying attention. And last week, that was a sign. There's something going on. Things are not how they appear to be.
But he's saying there's obviously nothing to fear. He says, My children, do not fear what you see with Russia. And again, prophecy. Do not fear what you see with Russia. Do not fear their ships. Do not fear their power. Do not fear their weapons. Do not fear because I Am protecting you. And this is not how it seems at all.
Now you have the establishment saying that, you know, they're this big bad enemy and, you know, they're gonna destroy us all and whatever else they want to spend and say. But things are not how they appear to be with Russia. But doesn't see that Russia is like all good and, and, you know, kudos to them and everything.
They're doing things that God wants them to do, but he's also warning them in this prophetic word. Because somebody else is trying to get to russia. I repeatedly I've told you repeatedly to watch the ships and to watch your waters because things are going on that you don't understand now But you soon will strategic moves are being made not for your destruction for your protection So god is saying what we're about what we are about to see or what we have seen Do not fear it.
But then this is the warning to russia because there is another country trying to get involved which is You Well, you guys probably guess it. I bet you if I said what country is trying to get to Putin, what country is trying to get to Putin and trying to whisper in his ear to do something else. I bet you guys could guess.
Let me see if anybody can guess the, the country. Yup. Yup. There you go. There you go. Chris gets a gold star again. China. Well, how he put it, China. I love how president Trump talks about it. Yeah, it's China, but anyway Russia and it could be Iran. I mean, that's, I mean, that's, that could be Iran and it could be Saudi Arabia too.
But Russia, I mean, China's got a lot more power, I think, than, than the rest of them do, and a lot more of, you know, trying to bribe them. They have more to bribe with, I think, than the other countries do, but, alright. It says, Russia, I Am talking to you, I have warned you to do as I have allowed you to do, and no more.
Now, I'm pretty sure it was back in, like, 2022, God had told Putin, there's a line, I'm drawing a line, don't go any farther than that line. Now, all of a sudden, he's telling him again, do not take any more moves, do not get arrogant, and do not defy me. So God's telling Washington, he's telling Putin, do not define me.
I have used you to do these things upon this earth and you would be protected because our own government and establishment was going after him because there are secrets that he has that they don't want him to have. And that's about to come out because God's talked about that in other prophecies.
That's why he's a threat to them. He's a threat to the establishment for sure. Cause he's had stuff on the people that are there now. I have used you to do these things upon this earth that you would be protected, but don't you make those moves outside the lines that you have now. So he's telling him, no, don't be arrogant.
Don't be bold and think that you can get away with stuff because I've been using you. Russia, are you listening? Do not be persuaded by money or by what other nations are doing to you. That's why I said, when you guys were talking about North Korea, some mentioned Saudi Arabia, some mentioned Iran, I don't know if there was somebody who mentioned Iraq, those were all good because he said nations.
But the one leading it, China. Russia, are you listening to me? Do not be persuaded by money or by what other nations are telling you you can have because you can't.
So even though other nations are trying to persuade with money or, like we said, do not pay attention to any shiny objects. You pay attention to me. So they're trying to bribe
to trying to get him to, you know, to go along with them against this nation and, or Israel, especially Israel. Israel is a huge key. He says, this is my warning to you, Russia, stay within your boundaries because soon this will all be over and you'll receive what you've been, what was promised to stay where you are and you will be glad you did.
Now remember, God can use kings. And God can use that power that they have, allow to do certain things that go align with the will of Almighty God. Even though they're not perfect and even though they're not, you know, whatever, God is saying, look, I will use who is willing. Now who may not, they may not have any clue in the world that they're being used by Almighty God.
They may, I don't know, but God's warning them, don't step out of your bounds. If you do step out of bounds. You'll regret it. Don't defy God. That's what he's telling him. Now, he's talking about Rome and the Vatican. Now, he's mentioned the Rome and the Vatican on multiple different occasions. Something is about to explode out of that region, out of that region of truth.
There is a lot of deception. There's been a lot of trickery. There has been a lot of collusion. There's been a lot of crimes. That have been committed that have been covered up. Rome will be in your news for a significant reason. Secrets that were buried will be buried no more. Again, he uses that word buried.
I don't believe it's just like when you want to, like a dog burying a bone. Like they're, they're burying objects. I think this is also burying of people, you know, silencing them to not tell their secrets. So I think it goes in, in a couple of different looking at a couple of different ways. And I'm just one, because a lot of people that remember they have silenced that, or they thought they did in some instances, some people have been silenced for keeping secrets.
And some people they thought were silenced, were not silenced at all. He says a shaking is coming to this religion and it will never be silenced. Be the same then he talks about the Vatican the Vatican will be exposed and All who are in it All who are in it who are against him
this shaking will change everything and and shake their followers to their core
Great lies were told and great secrets were hidden and kept from the people And this will all be released on what came out of the vatican was all a lie and a farce and a sham and a scheme So big and so deceptive it will bring a great shock to many a lot of religious camps will never be the same and And the great awakening has begun and every secret and lie will be revealed to deliver many from the chains of deception, say the Lord of hosts.
So watch information come out of Rome and then specifically the Vatican. They've got a lot they've hidden from people. Another rapper will be exposed and this will reveal more regarding this industry. But I will show you who the real big fish are You have only seen the fall guys But soon you will see who has been controlling this industry and you'll be shocked to see How much this industry is connected to hollywood epstein and to your government and it's all falling apart The music industry has a lot of connections with hollywood and our government And Epstein.
Then he says another actor will come out and shock the world with explosive exposures that they have along with so many others that we're keeping silent. In fear of their lives or their families because a lot of these people have been threatened But you can start seeing more and more people are coming out who were you know comedians who were actors who were part of the music industry?
That in part of hollywood that have been silent for a long time and now I think more and more people are starting to come out because God is giving them that boldness to do so.
But I have told you these things are the, these are the days, the whistleblowers and more will come out with a greater boldness to destroy many. That have been controlling their narrative, the entertainment industry, your government, your financial system, the medical industry, education, and military. I told you you've been infiltrated every and everything, and it's all about to blow up and be destroyed for them to all be forced out of where they have been.
Remember he's using the word forced out. He's using the word evicted. He's using the word removed. He's using the word vacated. People are not going to be able to stay in the positions that are in. I just was reviewing over a prophecy fulfilled video that we're just about to put out about resignations.
I'm telling you, it will just, it's shocking. If you put it all in, in like a video like that and you see how much has been going on that people really weren't paying attention to or didn't really realize it was all over the news because the news only wants you to pay attention to one thing and that's Trump bad, you know, they don't want to pay attention to anything else that's going on.
Then it says they'll be forced out of where they have been. You will see none of this is bigger than me say the Lord of foes. Well, of course not. This is bigger than God. They may think they're bigger than God, but they're not. He says, Oh, United States, things have been hidden and done against you by your government on your own soil.
Now he's talking about again, what the establishment, what the government has done, On our own soil and then he's specific He's very specific of where your enemies have used your deserts In your nation and great secrets have been hidden there what they have kept in these deserts I will show you all that they have done to you and what they've been destroying you with I will take it all out for this nation to see it will be cleansed by me and Sayeth the Lord, so watch, there is going to be explosive evidence and exposures that of things that have been going on in the deserts.
Our country now, there's not very many. So, God is saying, watch what happens and comes out of the desert. Then a doctor, a doctor's about to come out and his voice will be heard on what they have done to destroy your bodies and your minds. Things have hidden from the world for more control. They have sickened you weakened, you distracted, you lied to, you destroyed who you really were, so you would not be able to fight them back.
This is over. You are not their slaves. Remember, I just read you the scriptures. Go back and read Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 through 7. Go back and read Galatians 5 and verse 1. Go back and read what I gave to you in, in in Isaiah 60 in verse 1 and 2. Now, again, the moderators do an amazing job of putting these scriptures up in the chat.
But I know because Rumble takes the chat away for some reason they put it in the description box for you every Day, so if you miss some of the scriptures, you can go back and in the description box and you find the scriptures that were For today's teaching this is over. You are no longer their slaves or you are not their slaves You are not theirs to control a great release is coming And a great freedom will be felt and you will see what kind of life I really had for you Not the one that you were living a life You'll be able to enjoy peace that you'll have that you have never known a great joy with great strength to fight against Your enemy's attacks easier.
So again, they destroyed your joy. What do you think? So many people are on antidepressants.
So many people are so full of anxiety and they're so full of worry. They're so full of fear because if you don't have any joy, You don't have strength. But no matter what you're facing, remember what it says in in the, in the word. It says, look, I can do all things in 13. I can do, okay. All right. I can't quote it.
He's telling me to turn it, turn to it. So go to Philippians now.
Philippians 4, 13. I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. I am ready for anything, equal to anything, through Him who infuses inner strength into me. I am self sufficient in Christ. He infuses that power into you. Now we just need to tap into that power and receive that authority, receive that joy, receive that peace, and receive what he has, and then, again, one of the best teachings.
That I had went through in times of darkness, in times of depression, in times of suicide, in times of, of overwhelming hopelessness and despair. I watched this teaching, I read the book over, I mean, I just, I just got this teaching on the inside of me. And I'm sad that he's not here anymore. I used to listen to him.
Jerry Seville. He's a wonderful teacher. And that revelation that he had. If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. I don't know how many times I listened to that. I needed it. God's people need joy. God's people need to know the power of that joy.
They need to know the importance of that joy, to keep it. So your enemy can't steal it from you, and it can't steal what belongs to you. The joy of the Lord is your strength. He's stealing your joy, and if he's stealing your joy, he's stealing your strength. If he's stealing your strength, then he can take your goods.
It's a powerful revelation. It's powerful. It's powerful to know God's people, to know I have to protect my joy at all costs. I gotta protect my joy. You'll have por ample opportunities to have your joy stolen from you on a daily basis.
I had, I heard the calling on my life 14 years ago, 15 we're in 20, 24, 15 years ago, I think it was 2009, and I was sitting there watching Jerry Seve just, just watching him. And then all of a sudden I heard the call of God on my life.
I did not expect that.
I didn't, especially the person that I was so full of fear and anxiety and, you know, suicide and panic and all this kind of stuff, but God, God can use so many different people to save so many different people's lives. And Jerry Saville was one of the ones who helped save my life. I never got to meet him, but I'm telling you, he helped me be and that teachings helped me be who I am today.
And so I want you guys to get that book or to go and Google, you know, the, or go on YouTube and look up that teaching, protect your joy. Satan's going to try to steal that joy on a daily basis multiple different times,
but if he can't steal it, you protect it. Nope. I'm not gonna let you steal my joy. You steal my joy. You steal my strength. You're not stealing my strength from me. Know the importance of that get that revelation because that glory If you're praising and worshiping god, despite what's going on You have that joy and the joy of the lord is your strength and you're just sitting there praising god and worshiping god And satan can't steal anything and you know satan can't steal from you because you're protecting that joy You God's glory comes, that strength comes, that peace comes.
That's why he goes after your joy so much. And that's why so many people are hopeless and, and, and you're wondering why this is going on. Now you know why. It was a strategic attack of the enemy on the body of Christ specifically to destroy the power that God has given to us to use in this hour and he went after our joy and then he got our joy and then he got to take all the other stuff with him.
Our peace, our healing, our finances, our families, the list goes on.
He didn't want you to know one of his strategies and one of his tactics of war is to steal your joy. I'm telling ya, great revelation. And God's gotta remind me of that sometimes. Cause it's easy to get discouraged with what you see nowadays. And how much, I mean, he knows, the enemy knows your weaknesses.
He just does. And now you got to know his joy. You having the joy of the Lord is a weakness to him because the joy of the Lord is your strength and there's nothing that he can do to overpower you when you have the joy of the Lord in you. So from now on, protect your joy. That's what we should do. That should be something.
I'm not going to say, I'm going to get the look from Chris. He's just be like, I'm going to hurt you.
Protect your joy. It should be a statement all over the place. It should be seen. Protect. Your joy is powerful.
Oh yeah. That joy, joy, joy, joy, down on my heart song. You know, I remember saying that as a kid, it's true, but it's powerful. The joy of the Lord protect your joy. All right. Now the last paragraph, and it says no more shackles, no more bondage. You will soon see my children and what I've always had for you with no stopping it.
Can you imagine a child of God who has the joy of the Lord, and has that peace of God, and has that strength, and has that glory of God on the inside of them? There would be no stopping that child of God.
Plain and simple. So now you know why the enemy pounds and tries to destroy your joy on a daily basis. Protect it. He says, My glory will be manifested in your lives so great. Hell and death will not prevail against it. Remember, I just gave you that scripture in Matthew 16 verse 18. He was not just talking about Peter.
It was the revelation that Peter had of Christ Jesus. That is what hell and death will not prevail against. If you know as a child of God the power of that joy, the power of the peace, the path to understanding, the power of God's name, the name of Jesus, the power of that blood, and you have that joy that you're protecting, hell and death cannot prevail against you.
You see? You see, even the body of Christ was deceived into this. They weren't even believing this was a thing. They won't touch on it.
But it is. It says, My body will be in the fullness of My glory, where I have always wanted you to be. Of course God has wanted you to be in the fullness of His glory. His glory is his manifested presence, his power, and his goodness. Of course he would want to have his presence more in your life. His power more in your life.
His goodness more in your life. He's a good father. And that's what he wants for you.
You will soon see this great glory be poured out upon this earth like never before. Get ready because I Am ready, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. God is ready for this glory. Like I said, during our event, we saw a little bit, but even though it was so powerful, it was so awesome. And we, I just kept saying over and over, my team said, this is so much fun.
This is so much fun. I had so much fun and being under that kind of power. It was fun. And just like Chris said, yes, I had so much joy. It was it was joyful. It was so much fun being with God and just seeing what he was doing in so many of his people's lives and being used as a vessel because people it's not me I'm a human being but it's God in us.
It's God in us. He's Emanuel, God with us. God is with us. I want to pray over you that you protect your joy and that you are able to receive this greater glory that God is pouring out. And I promise you once he reveals it to us what we're supposed to do. And I know some of my moderators were also a team of that planners.
Don't panic. God will supernaturally work this out. They did an amazing job. I can't tell you how awesome and blessed of a team that I have. How blessed I am because of this team. I just can't. I can't tell you how awesome they are. They're just awesome. So I know Sarah, you're listening. God bless you. I know Patricia, you're listening.
God bless you. Natalie was a part of it and Chris was a part of it. You know the that it was just it was so I'm telling you But I know God wants to do it again. He has it on the heart and I can't get away from it So however, he works it out. That's how he doesn't work it out He'll do it But I want to pray that you are that your joy is protected that your strength is protected that your peace that you receive God's Peace and that you get this great great revelation if Satan can steal your joy You can't keep your goods.
Get that, read it, get that book. Go watch that. Telling you, it's so important to have right now. It's another weapon of warfare against our enemy, knowing his strategy and knowing how to stop it. So heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, we thank you for the revelations that you are pouring upon us. We thank you that your glory father, God will be seen on each and every one of us.
I thank you father god that they are getting a greater revelation Of how to keep their joy and how that father god that you are prince of peace And I thank you father god that we are learning the strategies and the tactics of our enemy in order to fight Him back and I thank you father god if he can steal our joy, then he can't keep our goods So we want what belongs to us and everything that jesus paid for because we've been bought and paid for So I thank you father god right now that they have freedom in their minds I thank you, Father God, that they have freedom in their bodies, whatever shackles, whatever chains, whatever discouragement, whatever hopelessness, whatever despair, whatever overwhelming circumstances that have stolen their joy, we break that off of them right now by the power and by the blood of Jesus.
Christ of Nazareth, and I thank you, Father God, that they will just start to laugh wherever they are, and it will just be uncontrollable laughter, because you're filling up their tank of joy, and I thank you, they're filling their spirit with joy, and I thank you, Father God, you're filling them up with your strength, and having that knowledge of how good you are, how big you are, how powerful you are, and you're their father.
So, Father God, whatever darkness That they have been under whatever overwhelming circumstances that have the enemy has put in their life to destroy their joy They use so many things to destroy people's strength I'm asking you right now father god to destroy that power of that darkness and that power of that evil upon them And that light will shine in the midst of that darkness and that is you i'm asking you father god to manifest your glory upon them Each and every one of them who have that open heart and willing to receive it.
And I thank you, father, God, for opening the hearts and the minds of people who are watching that have no intention of receiving any words from you. And you think this is a farce or think this is fake. I pray for them too, because you love them just as much. But Heavenly Father, I thank you that their eyes are open and their heart is softened to the truth and reveal them, reveal yourself to them in a greater way.
And I thank you, Father, God, that we're praying for that unity in the body of Christ. That we become unified in that power, and that glory, and that joy, and that peace that you have for each and every one of us. That every spirit of deception, every spirit of division, anyt
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