Hierophant Message from The Council of 12 SB Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Hierophant Message from The Council of 12 SB Energy Vlog title is from the Date June 27, 2024 thus 41 adding to #5 The Hierophant card for the Spiritual messenger or pope in its lowest form. I Channeled a message from the
Council of 12 from Sirius B. Over all it is filled with high hopes for the human race and some sage advice too.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News was not updated to day but we had different numbers than what I thought so I went over them. The amplitude was a power of 20 not 18 thus it should have been the Judgement card a clarion call to wake the sleepers. The quality was a power of # 6 the lovers card a harmonious relationship at its highest a political partnership at its lowest. The Frequency average was 7.87 hertz thus 22 the Fool card with a caution to be aware before you take that leap of faith. Thus, The hierophant spiritual message on judgement day to the lovers But the Fool made fun of it all. I pulled a card from the wisdom of the Hidden Realms it was the Hawk pP_rince with a message to soar like the Hawk to look afar and iknow yourself as a warrior of truth.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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