( -0694 ) Bail In vs Bail Out - What Happens If They Collapse The Fractional Reserve / Ponzi System That Billions of Unsuspecting Humans Have Been Manipulated Into?

7 months ago

( -0694 ) Bail In vs Bail Out - What Does It Mean For Us When The System Collapses?

Do they only have 1.7 percent of the liquidity needed to keep your bank open and your money safe? The gun they held at the head of the G20 Countries in 2008 has been swapped out for a bazooka. Will you "own nothing and be happy?" Even if they offer you a meager living in the form of Universal Basic Income (UBI)? With a VR headset? With AI versions of your favorite games and content?

Bail ins and Bail outs, and banker fraud around the world including in the U.S., Greece, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands...

Also miscellaneous stuff about the Asch conformity experiments, Chemtrails, giant hail, the vehicle collision with escaped lab monkeys, mind control and psychological manipulation, gender fluidity programming, & teaching children about masterbation.

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