Tenet Is So Good WoW dooG oS sI teneT - Best Movie Ever

7 months ago

The Christopher Nolan movie Tenet is so good you'll finally understand why that taco cat is never odd or even. It will also make you feel stupid, because you didn't understand it even though I understood all of it perfectly the very first time and even pointed out a couple mistakes that the director admits was wrong and even apologized to me for.

.rof em ot dezigolopa neve dna gnorw saw stimda rotcerid eht taht sekatsim elpuoc a tuo detniop neve dna emit tsrif yrev eht yltcefrep ti fo lla dootsrednu I hguoht neve ti dnatsrednu t'ndid uoy esuaceb ,diputs leef uoy ekam osla lliw tI .neve ro ddo reven si tac ocat taht yhw dnatsrednu yllanif ll'uoy doog os si teneT eivom naloN rehpotsiirhC ehT

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