DEBATE PREVIEW! - Friends of Zeus Podcast #174

6 months ago

We received so many requests for this episode we decided, against our better judgement, to do a PRE-DEBATE episode to discuss our thoughts on the topic. As always, we respect our audience and strive to give them what they want... Whatever that is.

JUNE 27th @ 9:00pm on CNN from their hidden underground studio in Atlanta, GA comes the debate we deserve: TRUMP -vs- BIDEN Part III !

No audience... which Biden is used to. 90 minutes long with 2 breaks, which doesn't seem long enough to us. No interaction with staff or advisors during breaks! I thought no man was an island, but for this debate these two are ALONE. Two podiums, no sitting... not even yoga positions. Both are allowed ONE pen, ONE pad of paper... ONE bottle of water from the famous GENESSEE river in upstate New York, Both must wear underwear INSIDE their pants. No Prewritten notes, not even on the insides of their eyelids. Microphones will be muted unless it is their turn to speak. Unfortunately, the moderators' mics will be active the whole time. RFK Jr. wasn't invited which really cheeses us off, especially Zeus.

Watch out for our POST debate extravaganza where we will likely provide you with context and viewpoints you haven't thought about. That's our job... Here at the Friends of Zeus Podcast we do all the thinking so you don't have to.


Also included in this episode... Zeus vanishes! Am I the A-hole?, Julian Assange is free and we have opinions about it. Oh, and we work in some talk about the Civil War as well so it's chock full of tasty morsels for all of you out in Podcast Land.


#Biden, #Trump, #Debate, #CNN, #Bash, #Tapper, #Mosby, #FJB, #Assange, #AITA, #SUMMER, #Newsbusters, #MRC, #JPMI, #PresidentialDebate, #FirstDebate, #BidenTrumpDebate, #BidenTrump, #TonightsDebate, #DebateTonight, #debatetonight, #tonightsdebate, #debate, #debates, #tonightupdates, #tonightshow, #debatecompetition, #Retarded

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