West Milton Board of Education June 24 2024

8 months ago

Regular Business. Among other items after two failed votes for tax levy increase the school Superintendent and Board of Education meet regarding budget and how to get tax increase passed.
See the agenda here. Click on the tab "AGENDA"
Acceptance of an anonymous donation and other items

Board of Education, staff and Superindentent fire teachers, staff and other cuts. Citizen questions staff and board members.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Click on the MEETINGS tab https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/muev/Board.nsf/Public

Board Meetings will be at 6:00 p.m. in the Milton-Union Schools Board Conference Room or any other designated area. 7610 Milton-Potsdam Road, West Milton, OH 45383. If the meeting falls on a holiday, call 937-884-7900 for updated information on the meeting date and time. Community members are welcome!

Members present
Dr. Brad Ritchey, and the Board of Education, Jessica Brumbaugh, Justin Cress, Lori Ginn Parson, Dr. Linda Hinkelman, Ben Dehus
School Board, https://www.muschools.com/page/board-members
Jim Albaugh: MVCTC
Dan Schall - Bradley Payne
Teachers Union Representative: Mrs. August
Teacher: Ms. Adkins


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