7 months ago

Q: What is your definition of God?

A: Love. Source. But that word holds many connotations, and unfortunately many negative ones for this planet, because of how you've been conditioned with religion. You've been SOLD A LOT OF LIES. But there's also a lot of truth in there. And you know if you want people to believe something that you're SELLING and ifs not the truth, you're going to sprinkle it with the truth because if you told someone a bold-faced lie, guess what, they'd know you were lying. So there's a lot of conditioning you are dealing with. But a lot of things are being transmuted and altered at this time. You're finding out some things about some of your religious leaders, you're finding out some things about religion, that just don't hold true to you, aren't ringing true to you anymore. Because you're moving outside of that construct. You're moving toward a multidimensional state, you're remembering who and what you are and it DOESN'T NEED AN INTERMEDIARY.

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It is absolutely necessary that God should be dead, but I want you to know my understanding. It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead; I declare that he was never born! It is a created fiction -- invention, not a discovery. Do you understand the difference between invention and discovery? A discovery is about truth, an invention is manufactured by you. It is man-manufactured fiction. Certainly, it has given consolation, but consolation is not the right thing! Consolation is opium. It keeps you unaware of the reality, and life is flowing past you so quickly -- seventy years will soon be gone . Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth. The very desire to find the truth disappears. But if all your belief systems are taken away from you, in the beginning, certainly, it is bitter. I know the fear, the anxiety, that will surface immediately... which you have been suppressing for millennia, but they are there, very alive. No God can destroy it, only the search for truth and the experience of truth -- not a belief -- is capable of healing all your wounds, of making you a whole being. And the whole person is the holy person to me.



God is not this divine being who sits up there somewhere in the clouds on a throne and dictates to you what your life should be. God does not judge or criticize. God is not a single entity like that. It's the divine energy that permeates everything. We understand that the term God may have many different interpretations on your planet. It is simply a generalization to make it easy to understand the concept that we are discussing. But that word holds many connotations and unfortunately many negative ones for this planet because of how you've been conditioned with religion. Right? You've been sold a lot of lies. But there's also a lot of truth in there. And you know, if you want people to believe something that you're selling, and it's not the truth, you're going to sprinkle it with the truth. Because if you told them a bold-faced lie, guess what? They know you're lying. People project humanity onto God, yes. And the religions have done this as a way to help people conceive God. And it certainly makes sense. If you've got to have something to sink your teeth into, something to imagine as an image of God, then you need a religion, quote-unquote, an organization, a codification of what God is into a personification. And in history, that's what's happened. People have had to project some form of personification onto all that is in order to conceptualize it. As you come into this era of I Am, you're going to see a lot more of this. And it's also discovering that this God that humans have been seeking for the last 10,000 years doesn't exist out in heaven somewhere, isn't hidden somewhere, it is right here. It has always been there. There's a shift. We would suggest someone saying there's a new myth of God, a new myth of God arising in the sky. And that is a very exciting prospect, to take the idea of God into a larger context of God goddess. All it is, that God is not simply a masculine image, per se, but is a principle that is both masculine and feminine, and the synergy of both. Everything that exists, even that rocky hillside outside your window there, everything that exists has a divine aspect. It is part of what you call God, or goddess. And you don't like that. The viewers don't like that. The watchers don't like that. They wish to put God on a pedestal. They want to say all good things come from God, and they are taught they are nothing from birth. And it's not that way. We define love as the choice to see the divinity in all beings, not just human beings, not just spirit beings, but in all beings, all that is. Often we will use all that is, because that's what the infinite is, the one is. By definition, it is all that is. There is no outside to it. There cannot be an outside to it. That is, in our view, what God is. And so you are, literally, you are all God. You're all goddess. And you have the power that goes along with being divine, even though you don't think you do, most of the time. Magnificent, all of you. My definition of God are the ones I sit in front of. You want God to be one thing? Are you in 3D? You want to worship God? Are you in 3D? Can I tell you this? That the day that you start suppressing what you've been told, and opening the door to what God really is, in will come God, and it will have your face on it. What do you say to people who really do not feel empowered? We would suggest that if people are not feeling empowered, the first thing we do is remind them that they are telling themselves some lies. When people say, I know I'm powerless, or I'm feeling powerless, you say, ah, that's a story you're telling yourself. I'm going to simplify this for you. Perhaps some may think the answer is a bit terse, but just get over it. You're wallowing in your own self-pity. You have set up an energy of being a victim. A victim of life. A victim of other people. You're allowing them to steal your energy, and to steal your heart and your consciousness. You're in a type of trap, and you're letting it happen. You decide one day when you get out of bed, or one night when you're taking a walk, that you're just going to get over it. You're going to stop letting others take from you, and you're going to stop taking from other people as well. You're going to be whole and sovereign. And it is truly that simple. You know what makes it complex and makes it difficult for humans as they develop all these multi-step programs? And they write books, and they have seminars and classes. And they get more and more and more into the mind, and away from the true matter at hand. You are an angelic being. You are God also. Get over all the rest of it. Human beings want to compartmentalize everything. They want to know the steps of ascension. They want to know, itemization by itemization, what things they must do in order to please God. Never understanding that if they are pieces of God themselves, that there is a switch inside that is all ready to go. That switch, known very well in spirituality all over the planet, is the one that gives you permission for the epiphany. For the enlightenment to begin to pour in. For answers. It is slow, and you must unlearn what you have taught. But it is true. Any human can. Any human can, no matter what the situation, no matter where they are or who they are. In this so-called new age, or age of awakening, or age of spiritual awareness on your planet, the whole idea is, is that you are really at the end of the cycle of limitation that you have imposed upon yourself for thousands of years. And you're awakening into the remembrance that you don't have to do it that way. There's only one question that you should ask. It's the fast track, as they say, to spirituality. It is the fast track, as they say, to getting whatever it is that you have come for. Human beings, who would be watching this now, whatever is before you, whatever challenges are there, the fast track to all that is to get into a meditative state with pure intent, and say to God, to Spirit, I love you. I know you're there. Show me what it is I need to know. And don't expect an answer to fall upon you in a physical way, but instead expect that you have connected to what seems to be the chaos of the system of the universe, connected in such a way that the synchronicity will begin to appear in your lives like little open doors here and there to guide you to the places that will answer the questions that you would have had otherwise. Number two in our discovery series, we're going to discover God. That's kind of nice. God. G-O-D. More specifically, in this year, if you allow it, which I believe you will, you're going to experience God. Pretty big, pretty big promise. Ah, but are you experiencing God, Edith, or are you thinking about God? Do you hear the words, I am God also, or do you feel it as an intimate, deep, personal loving experience? Good question. It sounds nice to say, I'm God also. It's very mental. How many of you have actually experienced it? There's a lot of concepts of God. I don't necessarily like the word God, but I use it here because it's a common term. But there's a lot of concepts of God out there. And actually, frankly, the ones who teach God know the least about God. Absolutely. The ones who are the fanatics, the extremists, the righteous, they know the very least about God. They're teaching from a book. They're teaching from their mind, their rules, their limitation, their sense of need for their internal self. Why other humans allow them to teach about God, I do not know. Other than perhaps most humans have this distorted view. The concept of God in this world is perhaps, it is, one of the top three things that are the most imbalanced about consciousness right now. The concept that God is somewhere else. The concept of God is a father. The concept of God having any rules or giving a damn what you do. The concept of God is man-made. The ones who are at the pulpits, the ones who are calling for the rise of arms, have not experienced God. You cannot study God. You cannot construct a God. You can only experience it. And when you do, it is a deep and intimate experience. An experience that you probably not even want to talk about. It's so beautiful. So personal. It would almost be a distortion to talk about it with others. That's why in the old times there was no word or name of God. Because it was known by a few. It was something so personal that you can't talk about it. In our Discovery Series, by going through you, the inner look at you, you'll have the experience of the God and the I Am within. It's a pretty tall order. I wouldn't be saying these words unless you, my dear friends, were ready for it. We're ready. Ready in the body. Ready in the mind. Sometimes when going to the core, going to God, sometimes when it is pursued on in an imbalanced and overly desperate ways, sometimes through drugs, sometimes through intense rituals, it can be completely imbalanced. It can do more harm than good. Some of you who have taken the drugs realize that if the rest of you is not prepared or balanced to have this experience, it can rip you apart. It can throw you off mentally. It can destroy the body. Each and every one of you are ready to experience it in a very natural, in a very personal way. I had lots of ideas about what God was. And now I realize I'm not conscious enough to truly understand what that concept means. That I am at one with the great being that made me and brought me here and that formed the galaxies and the universes, etc. How did that get taken out of religion? It was not hard. Most of the problems that religion and various philosophical movements down through the centuries have produced have been errors because that's where they started. That God is a distinct, separate being from us, to whom I must offer worship, whom I must cultivate, humor, please, and hope to attain a reward from at the very end of my life. That is not what God is. That is a blasphemy. God is such a broad thing. Some parts of which, most of the parts of which, that are associated with organized religion is something that I sort of recoil at. It's something that I think has done a lot of harm to the world. Done harm to women. Done harm to oppressed peoples. Done harm to the world trade center. And yet, at the same point, we have the epitome of a great science. The closest science has ever come to explaining Jesus' repetition that the mustard seed was larger than the kingdom of heaven. And the only science that can fit into that analogy is quantum physics. Now, we have, we have great technology from anti-gravity magnets and magnetic fields of zero point energy. We have all that and we still have this ugly, superstitious, backwater concept of God. People fall into line very readily when they're threatened by these cosmic sentences that are everlasting punishment. But this is not how God is. And once you start to question the traditional images, caricatures of God, people feel you're an agnostic or an atheist or a subverter of the social order. God must be greater than the greatest of human weaknesses. And indeed, the greatness of human skill that God must even transcend are most remarkable to emulate nature in its absolute splendor. How can any man or woman sin against such a greatness of mine? How can any one little carbon unit on earth, in the backwaters of indeed the Milky Way, the boondocks, betray God almighty? That is impossible. The height of arrogance is the height of control of those who create God in their own image. Oivet was right. I returned to California. There seemed to be no convenient way to see Jerry. And even if there had been, I wouldn't have known what to say to him. So I continued my reading. And then I began to take notes on how I was feeling and what that might mean to the relationships in my life. David seemed to be the only person I could talk to. Do you think it's possible to love someone who doesn't believe in God? I think it would be a tough go, because it's like saying that they don't believe in themselves. Isn't it difficult to love somebody who doesn't love himself? Yeah, in fact, they don't know who they are, you know. I mean, if you don't know who you are, you can't love yourself. Don't you ever get frustrated when you feel like you're not really being yourself? Yes, all the time. I don't. That's what all the masters have tried to help us with. What masters? You know, Christ, Buddha, the Indian avatars. They were really just master politicians who went right to the root of the problems in society, the individual. Some of them said if everybody believed that he was a part of God, the kingdom of heaven was within. And that if we took responsibility for that, that we wouldn't get so frustrated with ourselves, with ourselves or with anybody else. But it seems like it takes multiple lifetimes to come to that simple realization. Why isn't reincarnation in the Bible? Why isn't it taught in Christianity? Ah, well, that brings us to the controversial Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D., which was so dominated by the Emperor Justinian that the Pope, in protest, refused to attend. So, Justinian got his way. And in spite of the fact that reincarnation could be found in many of the writings of the early church fathers, his council condemned the idea of the preexistence of the soul. Emperor Justinian? What do you want to do a thing like that for? Well, I guess once you get used to the idea of being an emperor, you don't want to have to believe that someday you might have to come back as a pig-stalker. Yeah, but why did the church go along with it? Well, I think at first Justinian pushed them into it, but then later I think they went along with it because they just didn't want people to assume the responsibility for their own karmic destiny. Karmic destiny. Well, you know, if I really believed that I did before, there was no way to get me. And that everything I put out there would come back, there would be no doubt in my mind that I'd be completely responsible for everything that happens in my life. Exactly. That's mind-boggling, David. I mean, when you think of what that really means. You want to know what good exercise helps you get in touch with the realization that we each have God inside of us? Exercise? Here's what you do. Just stand up, hold your arms out like this, and say, the kingdom of heaven is within. I love myself. The kingdom of heaven is within. I love myself. No, wait, better than that. Say, say, I and God are one. No, wait, wait, better than that. I got the best one. This is the best one. Just say, I am God. David, I can't say that. See how little you think of yourself? You can't even say the words? I am God. I am God. A little louder, please. Maybe a little more conviction. I am God. I am... If I'm God, what does that make you? What we always see in others is what we see in ourselves. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God. I am God.

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