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ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- General Michael Flynn Intro and Pledge of Allegiance -Captions
Clay Clark expresses his grievances and shares their personal journey of awakening to the spiritual battle between good and evil, as well as his commitment to saving the country. General Flynn emphasizes the importance of taking action and getting involved in order to save the nation from a dystopian digital dictatorship. He also highlights the significance of connecting with others and the need for greater sacrifice in order to achieve what is right. He urges the audience to reflect on their own direction in life and to embrace the noble values of the Pledge of Allegiance.
ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, MI - DAY 1 | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mayor Giuliani & Team America + Request Tickets for October 18-19, 2024 Selma, NC At:
✝️ To view the complete (long, uncut) original videos:
👉 DTW - Day 1 - June 7, 2024 -
👉 DTW - Day 2 - June 8, 2024 -
Okay, everybody. Um before we introduce our next speaker, my favorite speaker, I want to just kind of air my grievance as you consider Stan if he wants a free country for now so we'll see. Um but I'm watching this guy give this speech at the 2016 RNC event. His name is General Flynn. Perhaps you've heard the name and he he was phrasing he was explaining the battle that we're facing a s a spiritual battle between good and evil. Evil. Ever. He didn't say it that way. That's how I heard it though, Ever and I could finally, somebody, how many of you remember that talk from general, r emember that talk? RNC 2016 and it really woke me up. It it quickened me. How many of you know that Saul? Saul, you know, you guys know Saul from the Bible? He used to round up Christians and feed them to lions. Uh this just in, it doesn't look good on the resume, Don't Feed Christians to Lions but then God revealed himself to Saul, right? Knocked him off the horse and then Saul became Paul and he wrote Books of the Bible, some say fourteen but God quickened him and arrested his attention and Paul wrote a lot of them did the the New Testament, right? I mean, the majority of the New Testament and I think there's a lot of you and I'm just going to talk about myself but I'm pointing at you so it's got this awkward tension of passive aggressiveness but there's a lot of us that we are not committing our time, treasure, and talents to leading our kids to fear God and nothing else and into saving our country. God and country. So, as for me, I had built a very successful business because we had freedom to do so. I grew up poor and became not poor because we lived in a free country and so I worked. I got up every morning at 3 AM. I was excited for myself. I got up every morning at three. I worked til about six, six days a week. People said, are you crazy? I worked at Applebee's, Target, Direct TV, had multiple jobs that was my pro tip for raising startup capital. Anybody wants to know how to raise startup capital. The pro tip, the the get rich quick scheme is get three jobs, Applebee's, Target, Direct TV and I started my first company, built a very successful company. So, I would be, you know, in my hot tub in the evening thinking about how great America was but I didn't sacrifice for it. Does that make sense? I was coasting on the fumes of the men and women who had died to give this country to us. Does that make sense? And so, I watched General Flynn's talk 2016 RNC and I thought to myself, he's talking to me. He's attacking me. He's passively aggressively calling me out. How many of you kind of felt like with this great Happen when the lockdown happened like you needed to do something but you didn't know what. How many of you felt like that? I felt convicted. I felt conflicted and I felt like I needed to do something other than to worry about increasing my net worth since birth. Does that make sense? And so that's how I got here was his 2016 RN speech. RNCC peach. And then from there we had the lockdowns. It occurred. How many of you remember where you were when the lockdowns were declared? Where your governor Witchmer said you can't go to the lake but her husband can. Remember that? You can't buy paint. You can't buy plants because if you do that in Michigan, it could kill everybody. Remember that? Okay. So, I remember thinking to myself, if they do a lockdown in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I will turn my building into a church, whatever that means. I will sue the mayor of Tulsa and I will not shut down my businesses. That's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to comply and so, that's what I did and I'm not saying that to brag on myself. I'm just saying, that's what I committed to doing and then we started doing weekly town halls and then at one of those wonderful interactions, we met, I met General Flynn for the first time in person when he was coming to endorse pastor Jackson Lawmier and the rest is history. So, this ReAwaken America Tour AKA my amazing money losing machine is designed so everyone can afford to be here. You know, we let people name their price. We're honored that you're here but this is an activation event. This is an event that's designed to activate because we gotta save Michigan, don't you know? We gotta save every state, don't you know? All for cute Bjorn. We gotta save every state in the union and we it involves you getting involved. So, this weekend, I want you to get out a sheet of paper or a book. This is a homework for you Happening now. I'm I'm not kidding. It's better to it this just in. Taking notes is better than not taking notes. This just in from our home office. So this weekend I want you to take notes. I want you to think. I want you to be activated. I want you to be quickened. I want you to have your Saul Paul conversion moment. I want you to be asking this entire time what can you do? How can God use your time, your treasure, and your talents to save this nation. And some of you it's a financial thing. Some of you it's a time thing. Some of it's both. Some of you are teachers, doctors, lawyers. I who I'm talking to but I'm talking to you because if we don't save this country, we're headed into a dystopian digital dictatorship that you don't want to be a part of and this and I know we're in a church so I'm trying to use a word that's in the Bible that's also a negative word. This man on the screen is a **** It's in the Bible. Okay, but this guy, this guy is a **** and he is leading this thing called the great reset. By show of hands, who knows who Klaus Schwab is? By show of hands, who does not know who Klah Schwab is? Oh, so 1971 Koshwab started the World Economic Forum per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger and 1971 per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard and 1971 we began sacrificing babies to bail AKA abortion and 1971 a book called Rules for Radicals was written to teach people how to introduce our students to this thing called secular humanism where emotion over logic right okay it's it's it's feelings over over facts you get that idea okay it's called rules for radicals it's dedicated to Satan. It was started in nineteen seventy-one and it's all designed to get us to this thing called agenda twenty thirty. Who knows about agenda twenty thirty? Who does not? I'm a bad teacher, bad marketer, we'll get better. I'm going to get better. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you very much. So this guy he wants to control the world. We're going to watch this video and then we'll introduce our next presenter. So Devin let's hit it. Crank it up. Here we go. Behind the midst of the fourth industrial revolution which accelerates global change in much more comprehensive and faster ways than the previous three revolutions. And you see the difference of this forced industrial revolution is it doesn't change what you are doing. It changes you if you take a genetic editing. You were one of the most engaged hardest working participants here at the annual meeting. For too long a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. That all changes starting right here and right now. I don't know what keep that in tried so hard Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet and greet America's General, General Michael Flynn let's hear it for him Michigan. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, huh? Take your seats here for a sec. One of the things I'm going to do up here is that we're going to do the Pledge of Allegiance as well but I just want to just share a little bit with you about you know, why why we do what we do, right? Not just the ReAwaken America events but why we all do what we do as Americans. You know, we just had you know, the D-Day celebrations of yesterday and I was late up late last night watching the History Channel til like 2 o'clock in the morning because I couldn't sleep and I'm watching and on the History Channel last night, my father was part of D Day and he's deceased now. He's also fought in the Korean War. He retired from the army as a sergeant long time ago. And I'm thinking about you know people tend to we we we used one day and we celebrate that day. But what was going on is I was listening to this history channel. They were talking about the subsequent days, right? It's 80 years ago. You have to try to put it into the perspective of what was happening then and you know the are these are men mostly men one one day Omaha Beach was they lost 5, 000 in the first like six 7 hours 5, 000killed in action but then those men they continue to fight so like right now 80 years ago guys are waking up you know it's a little bit later over in Europe right now but they're waking up you know in the hedgerows and some of the some of the places that they're at and they're have no idea their units are all broken up and Everybody's dispersed in different places. Many many organizations and organization that I served many years in the 82nd airborne division. Guys jumped in and they were completely lost from their units. They had to reconnect with other people. They had to find. They just found themselves out there, right? And then they had to continue to fight. You know, this juggernaut of the German army which was a pretty strong army at the time and well well positioned in the various fields and along the and along the hills ill and then subsequently as they continue to fight through the next few days I mean and to establish that sort of beach head and in a way the ReAwaken America event is kind of our beach head it is one of the one of the things that I think that as I've looked back and this is number 23 for us as I look back at what we initially started back in Tulsa in I guess the late winter of 2021 we weren't really sure whether or not we were going to be successful or we were even going to continue. We just knew we had to do something because there was such great uncertainty in our country even then and there's even more now. So, I'm not going to stand up here and tell you everything's rosy or everything's wonderful. It is not. It is not. There's going to be much greater sacrifices ahead here folks but we we were able to establish that beach head in Tulsa and then as We've gone all the way around this country and one of the things that I as I sort of reflected watching this thing last night and I'm and I'm listening to these to these soldiers who were speaking for their their forefathers through tapes. They were they were playing tapes last night on this history channel in the voices of these men that were lost on the battlefield, right? They were lost and they had to reconnect. In America, I think as we we become law We have lost our our way as Americans and we lost our way because we were handed something from that generation on a silver platter called the beautiful country, don't screw it up and we've kind of screwed it up. So, we needed to get we needed to get that beach head reestablished and we did that and and our part with the ReAwaken America tour, ReAwaken America event is you know, Clay has done such a masterful job of organize in these things. These are not easy but we we establish it. We started in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We've gone all around this country. We've established that beach head and we've broken out like they break they like they broke out of the hedgerows and they broke off the beaches of those of on that fateful day and you can also for anybody that has ever studied the the the battles going on in Okinawa as beautiful Iowa's up here talking about. You know, those were also a struggle. That was also a beach head but what happens on the battlefield especially battlefields like that like what is happening on the battlefield of America is we are Connecting. Okay, we're finding new relationships. We are we are we have new friends. Right? We have new friends. We have new churches that we have decided to go to. We have new places that we have moved to. We definitely have new relationships in this country. I have. I have a ton of them and and people that I would never have thought that I'd ever would ever be part of my life and I know everybody in here to a degree feels the same way and we've tried to do that and I think not knowing that we were trying that we were actually going to succeed. You know, we did know that that was going to be one of the things that we were going to do. Was to help this breakout. Help this sort of re emergence. This idea that we can actually we can actually win. Okay we can actually win. The way that you the way that you win though is you have to understand. You have to you know like they say put your you know make sure your head's on a 360 degree swivel. You know always be situationally aware. Understand your circumstances. Understand your environment. And many of you gotta get up a little bit earlier like Clay was just talking about how he was successful as a young man who came from nothing. We have to put the time in. Okay we have to put the time in right now. And we have and we've been doing that. Right? And we've gotta keep fighting out there in our communities the way that we can however we can in our churches in our communities at the local level getting involved reconnecting sharing ideas, sharing stories, sharing information that you're getting from various places that you're that you're now looking at. I mean there's been a decline in the corporate media arise in the in the in the sort of the the citizen journalist. So there's been huge huge shifts in this country. Huge changes in this country in just the last few years, okay? And there are and and there are demons. There's demons in here. Okay, I can feel it and we have to be aware of that. There's evil. Evil is a presence that exist and we cannot be like I was trying to figure out, you know, because I was talking to somebody earlier this morning about, you know, fear of the lord. I don't fear the lord. I don't want to fear the I don't think the Lord wants me to fear him. I think what the Lord wants us to do is to understand his presence in our lives. That's what I think. If I fear the Lord, I'm in big trouble. And I don't feel like I'm in big trouble. I feel like there's a presence. And I can feel that presence. And that presence, you just don't know when it's going to hit you. But when you meet somebody, you can feel it. When you go to some of Event and and I know that there's people in here that have been to many of these things. How many have been here for the first time? Okay. Wow. You're you're great. Thank you. Thank you so much. You're going to learn a lot. You're going to learn an awful lot. This is about educating, informing, and then focusing your energies, not what we tell you to do. Okay, we're not going to stand up here and tell you, you must do this. You're going to have all kinds of information and all kinds of opportunities that you're going to be, that you're going to learn about but one of the most important things to learn about is yourself. Learn about yourself because that's the only thing that that you can really truly take care of. You can try to take care of others and you should, right? Do under others like you want to have them do under you. So, we want to we want to keep this this attack that we've got moving forward and we want to continue to connect with other people from from the time that we depart here you know, tomorrow night or Sunday morning and when you go away and you reflect on on everything that you've seen, don't stop. Don't stop, you know, you see somebody down in the in another community or in some place, go to them. Reach out to them. The one common bond. The one common bond that they that those men had in those really really dark, seriously dark days. Seriously days. It was about six, seven dark days there. They didn't know they were going to win or not. They didn't even know what was going on because they didn't have, you know, communications like we've got, right? They didn't have all that. So, they had to go. All they knew was to go in that direction. Go in that direction and they knew that was the right direction. So, you gotta figure out what is the right direction in your life and I will tell you this, that that direction, that right direction it is the harder right. It is the harder right direction in your lives because anything that's right. Heck, anything that is right requires greater sacrifice, okay? Requires greater sacrifice. You're not just going to be given things, right? You gotta go earn those things and those things that you earn especially on your own. They're the ones that you feel the greatest reward from, right? Simple. Simple stuff. The one thing that that I am I admire and I have enormous respect for and I've learned a lot about is the good God-given common sense that the American people have. Okay. So we're going to say the Pledge of Allegiance and I want you to know that the Pledge of Allegiance nowadays you gotta get governors to approve to do the Pledge of Allegiance in the in our school systems. It's crazy. You have to have laws passed, right? I mean this thing was you know it's well it's a it was 18 I think 54 something or 1874 was when it was first created and they added added the the two words under God in it in in 1954 by a congressional act, right? And when and when I when we stand up here in a second and we say it, I want you to, it's 31 words, right? 31 words. I want you to say it out loud and say it with me and and proudly and recognize that that the pledge is a pledge of allegiance, okay? And when we teach it to people, especially when you teach it to kids, you're like teaching them something that's so honorable, so noble, such a noble stanza This is really all it is. It's one stanza. It's to say, I pledge allegiance to this beautiful country that we call America, right? And we now and and the the nice thing, the smart thing was they finally, I figured out it was under God because that's really how this nation came about. It's how we came about. So, if you don't mind, please stand, take your hats off, and let's say the Pledge of Allegiance together.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands - one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy. Enjoy these next two days. Be please be respectful to everybody, okay? Please be respectful to everybody and say some prayers, alright? God bless.
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