Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes the Disturbing Truth About Transgender Medicine

3 months ago

“Transgender medicine is bad medicine, and it causes harm.”

1.) “The hormones in the puberty blockers make the kids sick, cause acne, sleep disturbance, weight gain, nausea, [and] vomiting.”

2.) “The surgeries are disfiguring, ridden with complications, [and] sterilizing.”

3.) “The package of transgender medicine for those under age 18 increases the burden of psychiatric disease, makes the psychiatric problems worse, and increases rates of homicide, suicide, and death from all causes.”

“Under no circumstances can our society allow a child under age 18 to head down this very dangerous pathway,” Dr. McCullough said.

Educational Purposes Only..!

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


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