Nightmarish 'Fleshy' Robot Made From Living Human Skin Cells Is Capable Of Making Facial Expressions

6 months ago

Posted • June 27, 2024: Do you want Cylons? This feels like how you get Cylons. New Scientist highlights a new robot, made from living human skin cells, that can show emotions. This fleshy, pink smiling face is made from living human skin cells, and was created as part of an experiment to let robots show emotion. A smiling face made from living human skin could one day be attached to a humanoid robot, allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers. Its wrinkles could also prove useful for the cosmetics industry.

The living tissue is a cultured mix of human skin cells grown in a collagen scaffold and placed on top of a 3D-printed resin base. Unlike previous similar experiments, the skin also contains the equivalent of the ligaments that, in humans and other animals, are buried in the layer of tissue beneath the skin, holding it in place and giving it incredible strength and flexibility. Two words: NIGHTMARE. FUEL. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Nightmarish 'Fleshy' Robot Made From Living Human Skin Cells Is Capable of Making Facial Expressions
New Scientist: Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells

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