The Greatest Generation

7 months ago

Have you ever asked yourself why we are where we are today? It's because we sinned against our brothers in Germany and have been taught to bear false witness against them as children through our captured education system.

You shall know them by their fruits. The bible says if you bless Israel, you will be blessed, and if you curse Israel, you will be cursed. Exactly what blessings have we gotten for blessing the Rothschild-founded Nation-State of Israel with the Demonic star of Remphan/Moloch/Saturn/Satan as their national flag? Abortion, His-story, fake money that robs a nation of it's wealth through inflation, pornography, degeneracy, Drag Queen Story Hour for children, an invasion of European nations with turd world invaders. Looking back, I've learned that we are the baddies because we took the side of the Children of the Devil. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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