Legal Title is a Devil's Trick to Enslave you to their Legal Society

7 months ago

Whenever you buy real property, you intend to transfer the title of ownership from one man/woman to another. What most people don't know is the government intervenes in this transaction and splits YOUR title into two different titles, known as an "Allodial Title".

Allodial Title:
1. Equitable Title
This is the title most people believe they are purchasing to get equitable enjoyment of their purchased property, but the government takes this title, and your equitable enjoyment.

2. Legal Title(Debtor's Title)
This title makes you responsible for all debts, including Property Taxes, gives the government the right to trespass on you, enter your property, and even kill you on your own property with the permission of a Maritime Admiralty Court of commerce when you've committed no crime against another man. Also, as we've witnessed recently, let's Squatters exercise "Squatter's Rights", and makes you, the owner go through a lengthy court process to remove them.

Regain your property rights and assert your right to the fruits of your labor.

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