Man Lip And Face Syncs With Car Alarm

6 years ago

One of the most incomprehensibly annoying technical problems with the car for the car owner perhaps are the "glitches" of a car alarm. Most often those glitches start to play jokes on the non-standard car security systems, and when that happens, more often than not, the car owner is left to his or her own resources to deal with the noise pollution the beloved vehicle creates, under the frowned look of the bystander.

These glitches manifest by the system actively ignoring the command given to the car alarm to stop the annoying tones emitted and restore the vehicle’s normal functions. There are bigger problems and obstacles than the annoying noise, let’s say, brakes on lock, deaf and dumb gearbox or frozen doors, and yet when talking about nuisances, the screaming alarm is the first thing that pops into our heads. The ones having the know-how and the elbow grease would go and tackle the power supply element, of course, if the alarm does not activate itself during the actual driving blocking the engine, doors, including a siren with an emergency, oh, the agony!

Car alarms can be astoundingly annoying, especially when they randomly go off and the owner is nowhere near the car to turn it off. How many times have you been in your neighborhood just glaring at a car that won’t shut up? Too many to count, too many to count. Anyway, this gentleman decided to have some fun with an annoying car alarm by lip-syncing to the noises. He also makes a number of hilarious faces to go along with his lip syncing. It is a strange video that makes you not mind listening to a car alarm for a few moments.

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