Martin Luther King Jr. said “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

7 months ago

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Revolutionary Optimism: 7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist is available on for $18.99 and on Kindle for $8.99

Dr. Paul Zeitz is a preventive medicine physician, epidemiologist, author, and award-winning champion of global justice and human rights.

With over 35 years of advocacy, and political movement leadership, he is the initiator of #unify movements - a movement-building platform dedicated to catalyzing new, love-centered social, economic, and political systems committed for our collective repair, justice, and peace.

In his new book, Revolutionary Optimism: Seven Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist, Dr Paul shares an indispensable roadmap for personal and global liberation.

Because, he says, when we reclaim our power and unify with others on the path of love, we get to make the difference that we’ve always secretly known we could.

Through Revolutionary Optimism and the Revolutionary Optimism Podcast, Dr. Paul awakens a new vision of peaceful, revolutionary transformation. And in the process, he inspires our collective flame to unify for healing and transformation.

Currently, Dr. Paul serves as a co-convenor of the U.S. National Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Movement, on the Steering Committee of the March for Equity, and serves on the Survivor’s Council of the Heat Initiative which is dedicated to eradicating childhood sexual violence.

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