Come Alive: A Conversation with Talbot Davis

8 months ago

Talbot Davis was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Princeton University and a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. In 30+ years of full-time ministry in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference, he has served two appointments: Mt. Carmel-Midway (1990-1999) and Good Shepherd (1999-present).

In this conversation, we talk a bit about sacramental theology, church growth practices, and the ways in which doctrinal fidelity impacts, not only church growth, but how ethnically and culturally diverse a church will be. While we do not carry love for the UMC leadership, we speak to conservatives still within the UMC, asking how it is that folks can righteously continue to participate in such a body. We also talk a bit about why he and his church have chosen not to join the GMC despite having initially signaled a desire to join up. Interesting stuff!

Talbot's Website -
Come Alive Website -

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