CNN Tries To Stop Kennedy & Independent Media From Participating In Presidential Debate...

8 months ago

CNN Tries To Stop Kennedy & Independent Media From Participating In Presidential Debate. Kennedy Will Participate Anyway...

Even though Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has massive support all over the country, CNN says he doesn't qualify for the presidential debate taking place between Biden and Trump on Thursday, June 27th. So Kennedy will be participating in the debate livestream, on X, answering the same questions put to Biden and Trump.

In the meantime, CNN is trying to prohibit independent media commentators from streaming and commenting on the Biden-Trump debate. They've also set things up so there will be no live audience and plan to mute Biden and Trump when it is not their time to talk. Elon Musk says that the public has a right to see Presidential debates and that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) does not apply in this case. Musk says that X will not comply with DMCA takedown requests from CNN related to the debate so X is going to be a hotbed of discussion, in real time, as the debate unfolds.

Here's where to go to see what Kennedy has to say:


Video 1:

End Tribalism in Politics @EndTribalism writes:


CNN is blocking all alternative media sources such as Breaking points, Timcast, etc. from streaming the presidential debates on YouTube but allowing all Mainstream Media outlets to stream it:

“They have given permission to every major news organization in the US. C-SPAN, ABC News, Fox News, even Fox News have permission.”

“They are effectively stifling all of independent media by banning our ability to stream the debate on YouTube.”

“It's an attack basically on their nascent competitors. It is an attack on independent media. There's no other way to read it because like you said, this is part of the fallout from them going away from the presidential debate commission now that it's like this just private agreement between the parties, they decided they could do whatever they want and what they wanted was to allow their direct competitors in cable news to be able to stream the debate but not us and not any other YouTube creators.”

Presidential debates should be streamed everywhere and by everyone. It should be illegal to make the presidential debates some sort of exclusive debate. This is clearly a direct attack on all independent media and just goes to show that there is not only a Uniparty in DC but a Uniparty in Mainstream Media as well.


Video 2:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes:

Since CNN rigged the rules to qualify, my exclusion from tomorrow’s presidential debate was, as it turns out, a foregone conclusion. Not just for me–but for ANY third party candidate, since none of us could have reached the 270-electoral-vote threshold in time for CNN’s deadline, as Krystal Ball (@breakingpoints) explained so clearly to Kyle Kulinski (@SecularTalk) on their show.

Is that the kind of election we want? An election fixed so that only two candidates can compete?

The good news is that you can still see the three-man debate. We are hosting an alternative debate where you will hear not only Trump and Biden’s answers, but mine as well. See the debate as it was meant to be seen, and learn about the election that is really happening--not CNN’s version.


Video 3:


Video 4:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr writes:

They tried to take away your independent choice for president and I'm not going to let them.

Watch the presidential debate as it is supposed to be and decide for yourself.

Streaming right here on X and


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On X

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble

Children's Health Defense Website

Children's Health Defense On X

Children's Health Defense On Rumble

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