Project 2025 Part 6 Obama the Ignoble

8 months ago

Project 2025 Part 6
Obama the Ignoble

This is the Obama regime and it will take me at least two videos to cover it so hang in there please.
Obama, in my mind was the ultimate political skank. During her campaign against him, Hillary started the birther business. As punishment Obama made her his secretary of state. Once in office they actually put a bogus birth certificate on the white house page that was nothing more than a taunt. If you clicked on some parts of the form the information would disappear or change etc. So I was always amused when Obama tried to play the ridiculous I’m so above all of that game. He proved by allowing that on the White House page, that he was just another Saul Alinsky lowlife, that nasty commie stain who actually planned a fart in. He had no class at all and if you read his book you can see that he was one of the lowest of the low politically and intellectually. Leaks stated that Hillary’s sealed college writings were about Alinsky and his virtues. Many things that had been suspected were verified very early in this petulant administration. The media parroted the line that Obama had a job before being a senator and then running for President, he used to be a community organizer. The media never addressed what a community organizer is. Simply put it’s a communist agitator. The kind of person that sets up groups of trouble makers who are later directed to do direct or indirect action for the communist cause. As all of this was slowly emerging it was being tamped down by the leftist media. Seriously, we have to starve the leftist media out, do not support any of them. At the DNC convention in Denver the Denver Police had to keep a certain group of radicals contained. These people were the dregs of society you know the real beginnings of an organized ANTIFA. Remember that civilian army youth group Obama talked about creating and then fell silent when the term Brown Shirts came up? Yeah that was it. I talked to one of those people who were keeping that group contained and he had an interesting experience. Some short guy was running his mouth at them and taunting etc. A rather good sized guy walked up and talked to him quietly. They began to walk away and suddenly that big guy turned and threw the short guy at one of the guards who received an elbow in the face as the projectile/perp acted like he was just trying to save himself. That big guy vanished into the crowd. That’s a classic leftist tactic that you see physically, verbally and politically. The attacker was turned into a fake victim so nobody can do anything to them. It’s very important to recognize that tactic because it will be used later and on a much larger scale. The state approved mostly peaceful riots were a good example of that.

I’m going to get a little bit ahead of myself here. I’m going to broad brush a few subjects to show why everything needs to be reined in again. Project 2025 is definitely needed as well as maybe an article V convention of states. The Obama administration started by deciding to pick winners and losers. None of the companies created with the green money did anything but fail. He had cash for clunkers which was a total bust. I knew one guy that ran with it and got shafted. They got his car and he got nothing. He’s probably still a well meaning liberal. Well meaning in the same way as that road to hell and what it’s paved with.

During this time anyone who was working for a corporation noticed that the corporate environment was becoming well.. really becoming questionable. I developed a survival tactic at about that time. When the next PHD snake oil salesmen came around with a new group think strategy there was always a book involved. I’d make a point of reading it. As it turns out all I had to read was a book that hadn’t been written yet. Matias Desmet’s ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism.’

Boeing had moved their headquarters to Chicago in 2001 and many of us in the aerospace industry quietly laughed in 2008 when we noticed the lay of the land. I ran across some interesting comments on message boards as to why they moved. They were trying to move their offices to a safe distance away from the people that worked for them. It was cowardice. We knew from that who would win the big contract that would replace the Space Shuttle. It was indeed Boeing and those I knew that went to work for them didn’t say much which said it all. Obama actually cancelled and rebid contracts, with Boeing winning some of the commercial contracts as did Elon Musk. Spacex was something that Obama got right by accident. Elon’s going to have to save Boeing’s ass here pretty quick. Maybe by the time this video is released the issue will have been corrected, but there are astronauts stuck on the Space Station with no way home because their Starliner (Boeing) capsule is malfunctioning and Boeing can’t work out the problem.
Oh, and once again Boeing is moving. This time it’s to DC.
I do have to congratulate Boeing for bringing a bit of adventure back into flying. Flying was so common that it actually became boring. 2020 and covid mixed it up a little with the mental meltdowns regarding goose stepping flight staff and ever changing covid protocols. Then it became blase once again. Finally there’s a bit of edge to flying. It’s different from the night terrors regarding TSA employees viewing your wife’s naked body in a scan or anything like that. Or the potential threat of a body cavity search because of a muttered off hand joke that may or may not have been overheard. Pro tip! You can probably shorten the duration of that search by acting like you’re enjoying it. This is an edge that hasn’t been there in a good while. I suspect it’s attracting a completely new clientele.
Now as one bravely waits out their fate in line they might be able to get that James Bond aura going as they stand or sit stoically pondering gestalt of old anti heroes like D B Cooper. You might meet and impress a hottie guys...just think. What I find to be an interesting bit of intellectual detritus from the last century is that the man running Boeing is not an engineer. His expertise is in investing. The problem with the stock market, is that short term investors get to elect the guy running the company that will make them rich, with zero regard or understanding for the actual product the company makes. Maybe that flight insurance you used to buy right there at the airport, but can now be purchased right along with your booking will become a better investment than stock. Time will tell. I find it interesting that the person coming to the rescue here will not be the bottom line investment expert, but the guy that started out designing computer games in a basement. Elon’s actually reduced the cost and turn around times for space flight. And his system’s reliability is off the charts!
(Vid of landing boosters)
“SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- The Air Force said Thursday it will shift key rocket launch work from Boeing to Lockheed Martin in a penalty over Boeing's improper use of Lockheed documents to win a space launch contract.

Lockheed LMT, 1.17% will pick up seven contracts that had been awarded to Boeing as part of the original $2 billion Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle award. Boeing is also barred from bidding on three other contracts.”

The Project 2025 book is available on their website right here at this link.
You can read it here for free.

Or you can buy it here. For $35

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