Imam Reveals True Motive Behind the War in Israel 2024

3 months ago

PLEASE SHARE - When ANY bad actor (including Deep State, Islamists, Democrats, RINO Republicans, et al) speak - highly suggest LISTENING & BELIEVING them.
It is widely believed in the West that the current conflict in the Middle East is a geopolitical problem between groups who both feel entitled to have dominion over the same piece of real estate.

The debate then turns to who has the best claim to the land.

This is understandable, as that is how the West views history and responds to events.

Islam, however, is a self-contained system of thought with an absolute global manifest destiny and will use any and all devices, including nuclear weapons, given a chance, to achieve total control.

Islam is more than a religion. It is, according to former Islamic jurist Sam Solomon, a complete system of life, with instructions about how to feel and deal with every possible life situation.

Their belief in the right to control that land is more a function of intolerance toward Jewish people, a people made anathema to Islam in the Quran, having a piece of real estate within what they refer to as ‘Dar al-Islam’, or The World of Islam.

The rest of the world is called “Dar al-Harb,” or the World of War, and must be brought into the World of Islam by any and all means. Ideally war, as war is the only way a Muslim is guaranteed a place in the eternal brothel which is the Islamic afterlife.

Islam constantly tells us why they do what they do. But the Western left is constantly attempting to force our gaze toward an imposed pseudo-reality so that Islam, along with the left, can achieve their collective goal: the end of the nation-state as an organizing principle for humanity, and ultimately the dissolution of Western civilization.

The idea of an area within Dar al-Islam that is not governed by Sharia is a humiliation and unacceptable to Islam. It is the duty of all Muslims to bring the world into submission to Sharia by jihad of one form or another.

The left is also working toward a similar goal: planet-wide communism. They seek to destroy the concept of the individual altogether for a future world of perpetual revolution.

Whether governed by communism or Sharia law, the resulting world will feel no different to those of us who strongly believe in individual rights.

As was said about the Nazis, when they tell you how they feel about you and what they intend to do, it is a good idea to listen.

This should be liberally applied to this sermon and the thousands like it available on Twitter, YouTube, and all the social media platforms.

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