Ahmadi falsely claims Guru Nanak was Muslim

7 months ago

The Ahmadiyya movement's fourth "Khalifatul-Masih", Mirza Tahir Ahmad, claims that Guru Nanak was a Muslim. For a detailed refutation of this claim, please visit our website: www.islam-sikhism.info, to read the article: Was Guru Nanak a Muslim?

Here are two statements of Guru Nanak:

"I am neither a Hindu, nor a Mussalman. I accept neither the Vedas, nor the Quran." (Janamsakhi, Bhai Bala, p. 292)

"There is no Hindu, no Mussalman; which of these paths can I follow? I follow God's path. God is neither Hindu nor Mussalman. I follow God's right path." (Janamsakhi, Meharban Wali, pp.10-12.)

More info: http://www.islamsikhism.com/tag/ahmadiyya/

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