The Kingdom of Order

8 months ago

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The Kingdom of Order

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
13th of June 2024 15.44

Low and behold the Department of Justice in Denmark! To the judges, jury, advocates, police and officers, to the military, to the generals, and all the people in the military.

From the lowest to the highest ranking people. This is what I have to say about your kind of justice.

I Am the one to take you down because you didn't judge in the righteous way. I Am about to strip you from the power you have had over the nation Denmark.

You have been spitting in my face, because you took bribery and you were sold into the unrighteousness.

Hear Me out you law givers! The time is up! I have given you the time to repent from your sins and evil deeds.

A blind can not lead a blind. Who do you think you are? Are you above the law? You are like an infection that needs to be cut off.

I Am so tired of your unrighteousness, mockery and evil intent.

You are part of the freemasonry and the Idol Worshiping.

I have seen your heinous and disgusting things that you have been doing behind closed doors.

Let Me cut it out for you! All the dark and secret things that you did to the inhabitants of Denmark will be exposed. The exposure will come out like a flood.

Hear Me out! Listen carefully! Now I will change the guards of old and I will replace it with a new generation who wants fairness, transparency and justice. I will put a new generation who are putting Me first.

A new era has come to your nation Oh Denmark.

I Am the One who caused it to happen because I Am what I Am Justice of YHWH.

Now I Am bringing real freedom to your nation Oh Denmark. The freedom to be the voice of the gospel. I will bring the glory to the Earth and a great shouts of victory will be heard in your nation.

Nowadays pharaohs will be no more. Just like in the days of Moses.

Oh Denmark, You will have a beautiful garden again! No one shall take your land again!

Oh Denmark, You will be a nation of fishermen again. Greatness and glory will be seen like the sun.

Dan. 2:21
Exodus 23:8 And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.
Luke 6:39
Proverbs 15:27
Proverbs 17:23
Leviticus 26:1 Not make idols
Exodus 14:1-31 Red sea pharaoh and his men drowned
Haggai 2:5-9

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