BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 6/27/2024 Joshua Lawrence, Terry Newsome, Citizen Journalist Panel

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9am New Mexico Governor Candidate - Joshua James Ryan Lawrence - Joshua will be talking about a variety of subjects relating to the lawful operation of the Governor's Office and the Office of Sheriff.

10am Terry Newsome - Terry Newsome is a married father of high school twins and a survivor of Stage Four Prostate and Stage Three Melanoma cancer. Terry lives in a western suburb of Chicago; He’s the IL Chapter President of Parents Involved in Education and is an elected Committeeman. Terry started a Podcast called “Behind Enemy Lines” to represent Parents & Republicans fighting radical leftists, Democrats, and RINOS. While raised on the SW side of Chicago in an Italian/American Democratic Union family, Terry “transitioned” to becoming a registered Republican in 2013. His father was a Chicago Union Plumber, and Terry had previously worked in the film industry in two unions. First, as a Motion Picture Studio Mechanic (Electrician/Grip) and a Screen Actors Guild “SAG” as a stunt performer.

Terry Newsome became politically active after learning that his children's school was exposing them to inappropriate material. He confronted the D99 school board and became a target of radical leftists, Democrats, media, ANTIFA, and the SPLC. Frustrated with the lack of courage from the Republican Party, he dedicated himself to fighting against radical leftists who were grooming and indoctrinating children. Terry speaks out against many local "grooming" events, such as Porn in Schools, Children's Drag Bingo, and Drag Santa. Terry formed a alliance with Gays Against Groomers and Log Cabin Republicans to battle the sexualization of his children.

Terry was falsely labeled as a domestic terrorist by the FBI, SPLC, and Chicago ANTIFA associates. However, with the help of people like Matt Gaetz and TX Congressman Troy Nehls, he was eventually removed from the unjust watchlist. In June of 2023, Terry met with Congressmen and Senators to discuss the weaponization of the SPLC by the Democratic Party to attack their opponents, which led to investigations into the SPLC and its nonprofit status.

An Illinois senator from the Republican party was accused of accepting donations from labor unions associated with the Democratic and Teachers parties. Terry Newsome exposed this information, but the Republican leadership decided to silence him. Establishment ILGOP RINO leadership took offense to Terry exposing their corruption. They attempted to intimidate Terry by sending IL State Police to his home to harass him with false allegations. The IL Police admitted “the higher ups sent us.” Since that stunt backfired the ILGOP RINOS tried to use a 35-year-old drug conviction to “punish” and embarrass Terry and his family for speaking out.

In December of 2023 Terry was one of four in the country that filed a petition in IL requesting Biden not allowed on the IL Ballor for violating Amendment 14 section 3. Terry and three others claimed that Biden violated the constitution by providing Comfort and Aid to the Enemy. IL Dems dismissed the petition.

11am BNN Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independant Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country

Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio
The People's Pen - Joel Bevaqua
Independant Journalist - Casey Whalen
Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook
TT - Nola

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Joshua James Ryan Lawrence, Terry Newsome, Dan Smeriglio, Hollis Smeriglio, Casey Whalen, Christina Holbook, Joel Bevaqua, Nola

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