Qurrah bin Qais al-Han ali Meet with Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA)

7 months ago

@Islamic History813 #Muharram #Karbalaincidents #IbnSaad #HazratImamHussainRA #qurrahbinais

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, we are starting our this islamic informative historyical video about incidents of Karbala from the same where yesterday we was end,


[‘Abdullah] says: “So Qurrah bin Qais went to him. When al-Husayn (as) saw him coming, he said: ‘Do you know this man?’ Habib bin MuZahir8 said: ‘Yes! He is from the HanZalah, [a clan] of [the Banu] Tamim. He is the son of our sister. I used to know him as a man of sound judgement. I never thought that he would be present at this scene.”9

[‘Abdullah] says: “He came and greeted al-Husayn (as) and conveyed to him the message of ‘Umar bin Sa‘d.

Al-Husayn (as) said: ‘The people of your town wrote to me that I should come. But if they [now] dislike me, I will leave them [and return].”

[‘Abdullah] says: “The messenger went back to ‘Umar bin Sa‘d and gave him the report. ‘Umar bin Sa‘d told him: ‘I hope that Allah will spare me from making war on him and fighting against him.’ [Then he wrote to Ibn Ziyad about all this].”

[This is the end of the supplementary reports that were from other than Abu Mikhnaf].
Ibn Sa‘d’s First Letter to Ibn Ziyad

The letter of ‘Umar bin Sa‘d reached Ibn Ziyad and it read:

“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. When I reached the place where al-Husayn had stationed, I sent to him my messenger. He asked him what brought him and what he wants and he replied: ‘The people of this city wrote to me and their messengers came to me asking me to come, so I came. But if they [now] dislike me and [the position] now appears different to them from what their messengers brought to me, [then] I will go away from them.”

When the letter was read for Ibn Ziyad he recited the following verse:

Now when our claws cling to him, he hopes for delivery but there is no time to escape!
Ibn Ziyad’s Response to Ibn Sa‘d

He wrote to Ibn Sa‘d:

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Your letter has reached me and I have understood what you mentioned. Offer al-Husayn [the opportunity] of him and all his companions pledging allegiance to Yazid bin Mu’awiyah. If he does that, we will then see what our judgement will be. That is all.”

When the letter reached Ibn Sa‘d, he said: “I had anticipated that Ibn Ziyad would not spare me [fighting al-Husayn].”10
Ibn Sa‘d’s Meeting With al-Husayn (as)

Al-Husayn (as) sent ‘Amru bin QurZah bin Ka’b al-Ansari11 to Ibn Sa‘d [saying]: “Meet me at night somewhere between the two armies.” So [at night] ‘Umar bin Sa‘d came out with around twenty horsemen and so did al-Husayn (as). When they met each other, al-Husayn (as) ordered his companions to move away from him and so did ‘Umar bin Sa‘d. Then they started talking and their conversation took long such that part of the night lapsed. Then each of the two returned to his camp with his companions.

People started making assumptions about what transpired between the two. They were presuming that al-Husayn (as) told ‘Umar bin Sa‘d: “Come along with me to Yazid bin Mu’awiyah and let us leave the two armies.” ‘Umar said: “In that case my house will be demolished.” “I will rebuild it for you”, he replied. So [Ibn Sa‘d] said: “My estate will be confiscated.” So he said: “In that case I shall give you what is better than that from my wealth in Hijaz.” But ‘Umar did not like that.

The people were busy talking about this and rumours spread without [them] having heard or known anything of the conversation [between the two].12

[Among other assumptions they made were that] they said: “Al-Husayn said: ‘Accept any three of my requests:

1. I should either return to where I came from [i.e. Madinah].

2. Or I should put my hand in the hand of Yazid bin Mu’awiyah and then he should decide on the matter [which is] between him and I.

3. Or take me to any of the border outposts of the Islamic land you like, so that I may become one of them, with the same rights and duties as them.’”13

‘Uqbah bin Sim’an says: “I accompanied al-Husayn (as) and came out with him from Madinah to Makkah, and from Makkah to Iraq, and I did not separate from him until he was martyred. There is not even a word from what he said to the people in Madinah, or in Makkah, or on the way [to Kufah], or in Iraq or [even] in his camp until the day he was [martyred], that I may have not heard. By Allah! He did not offer them what people are talking and assuming of, [like] paying allegiance to Yazid bin Mu’awiyah, or that he should be taken to a frontier among the frontiers of the Islamic land. Rather, he said: “Allow me to go wherever I like in this spacious land until we see how the people’s attitude to the affair develops.”

Ibn Sa‘d’s Second Letter to Ibn Ziyad

‘Umar bin Sa‘d wrote [a second] letter to Ibn Ziyad [saying]:

“Indeed, Allah has put out the fire [of war], united [the people] in one opinion, and set right the affairs of the community. Al-Husayn has given me a promise that he will return to the place which he came from, or he will go to one of the border outposts and become like any other of the Muslims, with the same rights and duties as them; or he will go to Yazid, the commander of the faithful, and offer him his hand and see [if the difference] between them [can be reconciled]. In this [offer] you will be pleased and there is good for the ummah.”

When ‘Ubaidullah bin Ziyad read the letter he said: “This is the letter of a man who is sincere to his governor and anxious for his community. Yes, I accept that.”

Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan15 stood up and said: “Are you going to accept this from him [i.e. al-Husayn] when he has encamped on your land nearby! By Allah, if he leaves your city without putting his hand on yours, then he will gain more strength and might and you will become weaker and helpless [in your position]. Do not give him this opportunity; for that is [a mark of] weakness. Rather, let him submit to your authority,16 he and his companions. Then if you punish them, you will be the [person] most appropriate to do so, and if you forgive them, then you have the right to do so. By Allah, I have heard that al-Husayn and ‘Umar bin Sa‘d have been sitting between the two armies engaged in conversation the whole night!”

Ibn Ziyad said: “Your opinion is excellent. Your view is the correct view.”

We will be contineu described incidents of Karbala daily basis, upto day of Ashura, and tomorow will be started our nex video from here today we are ending. Allah Hafiz


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