Flipped Classroom

9 months ago

A flipped classroom is an instructional approach that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content outside of the classroom and moving activities that are typically considered homework into the classroom[2]. In this model, students engage with lectures or instructional videos at home before class, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, discussions, and problem-solving activities with the guidance of the teacher[1][3].

The primary goals of a flipped classroom are to:

1. Make the classroom an active learning environment
2. Enable students to learn at their own pace
3. Provide more opportunities for individualized instruction

By shifting passive learning activities like lectures to an at-home setting, students can review materials at their own speed and come to class prepared for more engaging, interactive learning experiences[3]. This approach allows for more time in class to be spent on higher-order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, collaboration, and critical thinking[2].

The flipped classroom model offers several benefits, including increased student engagement, personalized learning experiences, and more efficient use of class time for active learning and teacher-guided activities[4]. However, it also requires careful planning and preparation from teachers to ensure that pre-class materials are effective and that in-class activities are meaningful and aligned with learning objectives

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