Monster Who Brutally Murdered Two Women Just Got One Step Closer To The Death Penalty He Deserves

7 months ago

Posted • June 27, 2024: Wade Wilson, the Fort Myers monster convicted of killing two Cape Coral women, is one step closer to being sentenced to death for his crimes. Wilson was convicted on June 12, 2024, in Lee County on six charges, including the murders of Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz: • Two counts of first-degree murder • First-degree murder • Grand theft • Battery • Burglary • Petty theft. On June 25, the jury in Wilson's trial voted in favor of recommending the death penalty for each of the murders. On October 7, 2019, Wilson, then 25 years old, met Kristine Melton, 35, and her friend Stephanie Sailors at Buddah LIVE, a Fort Myers bar. After the bar closed, Wilson and the two women went to the home of Jayson Shepard where they stayed for several hours before leaving in the morning. Wilson, Melton and Sailors then went Melton's Cape Coral home. After Sailors left, Wilson strangled Melton to death as she slept in her bed and stole her car.

A short time later, Wilson saw 43-year-old Diane Ruiz walking along a Cape Coral street, asked her for directions and lured her into the car. When Ruiz tried to exit the car, Wilson attacked her, beating and strangling her before pushing her out of the car and running her over repeatedly. After the murders, Wilson called his biological father Steven Testasecca several times confessing to and narrating the crimes. Testasecca contacted police and Wilson was arrested Oct. 8, 2019.

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