How Can You Believe Something You Don’t Yet Believe? - Mayim Vega, Holistic Life Coach

8 months ago

In my pursuit of personal growth and business excellence, one of the greatest challenges I've encountered is altering my mindset and adopting new beliefs that serve me better. Especially in the realms of business, leadership, entrepreneurship, or self-improvement, I've found that my beliefs can significantly impact my actions and outcomes. Here's a breakdown of how I've learned to shift my mindset and embrace new, empowering thoughts.

Recognizing Current Beliefs

Awareness is Key: Before you can embrace new beliefs, it's crucial to become acutely aware of what you currently believe. Understanding your existing mindset—be it filled with self-doubt, fear, or limitations—is the first step toward change.

Identify Limiting Beliefs: Often, we hold onto beliefs that limit our potential. These can range from doubts about our abilities to deeply ingrained ideas from childhood that dictate our self-worth or capabilities.

Practicing New Thoughts

Intentional Thinking: Once you're aware of your current beliefs, the next step is to consciously practice new thoughts. Choose thoughts that are aligned with the outcomes you desire and reflect the person you aspire to be.

Repetition and Reinforcement: Like building muscle through exercise, reinforcing new thoughts requires regular practice. Repeat your new beliefs daily, pray about them, use affirmations or journaling to solidify them.

Ten New Thoughts to Believe

You Are 100% Lovable: Understand that your lovability is infinite and not dependent on your actions or others’ perceptions. It’s rooted in your inherent worth.

A Great Life Is Defined by Goals, Not Achievements: Focus on setting ambitious goals that excite you, rather than the pressure of achieving them. It’s the pursuit that enriches your life.

Money Is Energy: Shift your perspective on money. Recognize it as a resource that solves problems and can be used to improve your life and others'.

Growth Is Desirable: Embrace the discomfort of growth; it’s always preferable to the stagnation. Growth aligns with our natural desire to evolve and become better versions of ourselves.

Adults Are Free to Be: Accept that adults are autonomous and can behave as they wish. This understanding frees you from the burden of trying to control others.

Your Spouse’s Job Is to Be Loved: Focus on your capacity to love your partner for who they are, not for what they do for you.

You Create Your Experience: Your experiences are shaped by your reactions and beliefs. By assuming control over how you interpret and respond to life’s events, you empower yourself.

Nothing Is Too Good to Be True: Challenge the notion that you can't have what you dream of. Allow yourself to envision and work towards a life that feels almost too good to be true.

The Future Is Always Better: Maintain an optimistic view of the future, believing it will be better than the past, which keeps hope and enthusiasm alive.

The Worst That Can Happen Is a Feeling: Understanding that you can handle any emotion provides the courage to face fears and take bold steps forward.

By adopting these new thoughts and practicing them regularly, you can fundamentally change how you view yourself and the world around you. This shift in belief isn’t just about feeling better—it’s about creating a reality that aligns with your highest aspirations. Now, ask yourself:
What new belief are you ready to embrace today to transform your life tomorrow?

Explore these concepts together and start your journey toward transformative beliefs in this video!

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​May the Creator continually grant you and your loved ones complete, holistic health & healing of mind🧠, body💪, and spirit🌟.

May He use YOU to become an instrument of that health and healing.

Mayim Vega | Founder of - the Holistic Life Academy

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