Jude 1:1-3;20

8 months ago

Pastor Elmer Cox was preaching at Hickory Creek Sunday 23 June 2024. He launched into an inspired testimony sermon about another preacher's most inspired years--a well known Pastor and Evangelist that preached even after a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease.
Melody Baptist Church has a chapel of it's own, but due to Pastor's recent health problems we are not holding location services for the public every Sunday at present. We will be holding a 3:30pm church service in our own chapel the last Sunday of June--June 30th, 2024.
We always have Sunday church at 3:30pm on Sundays. And we always post on the door which nursing home we are holding it in if we aren't holding it on location.
Our Pastor is Pastor Elmer Cox. For further inquiries email melodybaptistchurch@protonmail.com or text the church at 765-338-7203.

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